List and set variables¶
In addition to boolean, integers and floats, Hexaly Optimizer offers two higher level decision variable: lists and sets.
Creation operator¶
The list and the set operator allows defining a decision variable whose value is
a collection of integers within a domain [0, n-1]
where n is the unique
operand of the operator. They do not necessarily contain all the values in
[0, n-1]
and all the values in a list or set will be pairwise different, non
negative and strictly smaller than n. Note that the operand must be a constant,
strictly positive integer.
For instance the following line creates a list decision variable of domain size 10:
x <- list(10);
The difference between a list and a set is that the list maintains an order on
its elements. Mathematically, a list is a permutation of a subset of
[0, n-1]
, and a set is a subset of [0, n-1]
Setting and retrieving values¶
As mentioned above, the value of a list or a set is a collection of integers.
This value is obtained with the syntax x.value
in Hexaly Modeler, and with
the method getCollectionValue()
in Hexaly Optimizer APIs. It returns an
object of type HxCollection
, that can be read and modified through the
methods: count, get, clear, add
Modifying this HxCollection
object modifies the value of the corresponding
list or set variable. The code below illustrates the use of these methods:
println(x.value.count()); // Current size of the collection
x.value.clear(); // empty the list
x.value.add(3); // add a value, throw an error if this value in not in interval [0,9], if x was defined as list(10)
x.value.add(5); // add a value, throw an error if this value is already included in the list
for[e in x.value] println(e); // print the content of the list
println(x.value); // print the content of the list, ``[3, 5]`` in this case
Operators on lists and sets¶
Unary and binary operators¶
The count
operator returns the number of elements in a collection. For
example, the following model merely expresses the search for a set of maximum
x <- set(5);
maximize count(x);
The contains
operator expresses that an element is present in a collection.
For example, the following model defines a knapsack problem using a set:
knapsack <- set(n);
constraint sum[i in 0...n](weight[i] * contains(knapsack, i)) <= capacity;
maximize sum[i in 0...n](value[i] * contains(knapsack, i));
The distinct
operator takes as input a collection and a lambda function,
and returns the unordered set of distinct values among all the values returned
by the function. For example, the following constraint forces a machine to
produce at most two distinct types of product:
machine <- list(10);
productTypes = { 0, 1, 2, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 2, 1 };
constraint count(distinct(machine, i => productTypes[i])) <= 2;
The ìntersection
operator takes two operands if operands are collection or
array. It returns the unordered set of the values present in both operands.
For example the following constraint prevents the set from having the value 0, 1
or 2:
forbiddenValues <- array(0, 1, 2);
numbers <- set(10);
constraint count(intersection(numbers, forbiddenValues)) == 0;
N-ary operators¶
The disjoint
operator applies to N lists or N sets sharing the same domain.
It takes value 1 when all collections are pairwise disjoint (that is to say that
no value appears in more than one collection), and value 0 otherwise. It takes
at least one operand. In the following example we try to maximize the minimum
size among three lists. Since they are constrained to be disjoint this maximum
will be 3:
x <- list(10);
y <- list(10);
z <- list(10);
constraint disjoint(x, y, z);
maximize min(count(x), count(y), count(z));
The cover
operator applies to N lists or N sets sharing the same domain. It
takes value 1 when the given collections form a cover of the set [0, n-1], and
value 0 otherwise. It takes at least one operand.
is equivalent to
sum[i in 0...count(xcolls)](contains(xcolls[i], j))) >= 1
for j in [0, n-1].
The partition
operator applies to N lists or N sets sharing the same domain.
It takes value 1 when the given collections form a partition of the set
[0, n-1], and value 0 otherwise. It takes at least one operand. In other words,
is equivalent to
disjoint(xcolls) && sum[i in 0...count(xcolls)](count(xcolls[i])) == n
These operators are particularly useful when items are to be assigned to one of several groups or containers. Each group will be represented by its own collection. For instance, the items may be tasks to be dispatched to one of several machines, or delivery locations to be serviced by one of several trucks.
Operators specific to lists¶
The at
operator allows accessing the value at a given position in the list.
It takes two operands: a list and an integer expression (not necessarily
constant). It fails when the given index is negative or larger or equal to
For example, the objective function in the following model is to maximize the product of the first and last items in the list:
x <- list(5);
constraint count(x) > 0;
maximize x[0] * x[count(x)-1];
The indexOf
operator returns the position of a given integer in the list
or -1 if this integer is not included in the list. It takes two operands: a
list and an integer expression (not necessarily constant). For example, given a
matrix c of size n, the linear ordering problem consists in finding a
permutation of [0, n-1] of minimum cost, where a cost c[i][j] is paid when j is
before i in the ordering. Here is the corresponding model:
x <- list(n);
constraint count(x) == n;
minimize sum[i in 0...n][j in 0...n](c[i][j] * (indexOf(x,i) > indexOf(x,j)));
Modeling with lists¶
In the context of routing problems, list variables can be used to model a
variety of problems. A pure Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is modeled with a
single list x
with a constraint count(x)==n
in order to specify that
all cities must be visited. This constraint would be omitted for a Prize
Collecting TSP, where a penalty is paid for cities not in the tour.
A vehicle routing problem (VRP) will be modeled with k lists if k is the number
of trucks. For a classical VRP these lists will be constrained to form a
partition (operator partition
), whereas for a Prize-Collecting VRP only
their disjointness will be required (operator disjoint
). For a Split
Delivery VRP the lists form a cover (operator cover
Distances can be either given as a matrix and accessed with the at
or explicitly computed (with operators pow
and srqt
for Euclidian
distances for instance).
Detailed routing and scheduling examples are available in our example tour.
Modeling with sets¶
Sets can be used as a compact way to model group membership in a variety of
problems. A bin packing problem will be modeled with k sets if k is the number
of bins. These sets will be constrained to form a partition (operator
While lists are unique in their capacity to model ordering constraints,
set variables may be replaced by an equivalent boolean model. Set variables
should be preferred if the problem involves assigning an item to one of several
similar groups or containers. This is modeled naturally with the disjoint
or cover
On the other hand, there are cases where a boolean model may perform better.
This can happen when there is a single set (for example a knapsack problem),
or they are all independent i.e. the sets don’t bring any additional structure
to the model.
Similarly, if many constraints need to be added on the items, for example with
the contains
operator, there tends to be less benefit in using sets over
boolean variables, since the model will not be more compact.
Detailed packing examples using set variables are available in our example tour.