Enum HxOperator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<HxOperator>

    public enum HxOperator
    extends java.lang.Enum<HxOperator>
    Mathematical operators available for modeling. These operators are used to type the expressions created in Hexaly mathematical optimization model.
    See Also:
    HxModel, HxExpression
    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      Absolute value.
      Argument of a function.
      Returns the element at specific coordinates of an array or a list.
      Boolean decision.
      Call a particular function.
      The number of elements in an array, a collection or an interval.
      This operator is deprecated.
      Distance between two numbers.
      Returns the distinct values of the elements of an array, collection or interval.
      The end of a non-void interval.
      Base-e exponential.
      External function.
      Float decision.
      Greater than or equal to.
      Strictly greater than.
      The smallest interval including all intervals given in operands.
      The index of a value in a list (-1 if the value is not in the list).
      Integer decision variable.
      Returns the intersection between an array/collection and an array/collection.
      Interval decision variable.
      Lambda function.
      The length of a non-void interval.
      Lower than or equal to.
      A list is an ordered collection of integers within a range [0, n-1] where n is the unique argument of this operator.
      Natural logarithm (base-e).
      Strictly lower than.
      Modulo (remainder of the integer division).
      Not equal to.
      Piecewise-linear function operator.
      Power operator.
      Range expression.
      Scalar product.
      A set is an unordered collection of integers within a range [0, n-1] where n is the unique argument of this operator.
      Square root.
      The start of a non-void interval.
      A constant array with optimised memory.
      Exclusive or (also called "xor").
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static HxOperator valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static HxOperator[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        compareTo, equals, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • Bool

        public static final HxOperator Bool
        Boolean decision. Decisional operator with no operand. Decision variable with domain {0,1}.
      • Float

        public static final HxOperator Float
        Float decision. Operator with two operands that represent the lower bound and the upper bound of the decision (domain [lb, ub]). The bounds must be constants (integers or doubles).
      • Sum

        public static final HxOperator Sum

        Sum. N-ary arithmetic operator. SUM(e1, e2, ..., eN) is equal to the sum of all operands e1, e2, ..., eN. This operator returns an integer if all the operands are booleans or integers and a double as soon as one operand is a double.

        With collections (lists, sets), intervals or 1D arrays

        This operator can also be used with intervals, List, Set or 1D Array to create expressions with a dynamic number of operands. In that case, this operator becomes a binary operator that takes an interval, a list, a set or a 1D array as first operand and a LambdaFunction as second operand. The operator will call the function on each value of the interval, list, set or 1D array and will sum all the values computed and returned by the function.

      • Sub

        public static final HxOperator Sub
        Substraction. Binary arithmetic operator. SUB(x, y) is equal to the value of x - y. This operator returns an integer if the two operands are booleans or integers, and a double as soon as one operand is a double.
      • Prod

        public static final HxOperator Prod

        Product. N-ary arithmetic operator. PROD(e1, e2, ..., eN) is equal to the product of all operands e1, e2, ..., eN. This operator returns an integer if all the operands are booleans or integers, and a double as soon as one operand is a double.

        With collections (lists, sets), intervals or 1D arrays

        This operator can also be used with intervals, List, Set or 1D Array to create expressions with a dynamic number of operands. In that case, this operator becomes a binary operator that takes an interval, a list, a set or a 1D array as first operand and a LambdaFunction as second operand. The operator will call the function on each value of the interval, list, set or 1D array and will compute the product of all the values returned by the function.

      • Max

        public static final HxOperator Max

        Maximum. N-ary arithmetic operator. MAX(e1, e2, ..., eN) is equal to the maximum value among all operands e1, e2, ..., eN. This operator returns an integer if all the operands are booleans or integers, and a double as soon as one operand is a double.

        With collections (lists, sets), intervals or 1D arrays

        This operator can also be used with intervals, List, Set or 1D Array to create expressions with a dynamic number of operands. In that case, this operator becomes a binary operator that takes an interval, a list, a set or a 1D array as first operand and a LambdaFunction as second operand. The operator will call the function on each value of the interval, list, set or 1D array and will find the maximum value among all the values returned by the function.

      • Min

        public static final HxOperator Min

        Minimum. N-ary arithmetic operator. MIN(e1, e2, ..., eN) is equal to the minimum value among all operands e1, e2, ..., eN. This operator returns an integer if all the operands are booleans or integers, and a double as soon as one operand is a double.

        With collections (lists, sets), intervals or 1D arrays

        This operator can also be used with intervals, List, Set or 1D Array to create expressions with a dynamic number of operands. In that case, this operator becomes a binary operator that takes an interval, a list, a set or a 1D array as first operand and a LambdaFunction as second operand. The operator will call the function on each value of the interval, list, set or 1D array and will find the minimum among all the values returned by the function.

      • Eq

        public static final HxOperator Eq
        Equal. Binary relational operator. EQ(a,b) = 1 if a == b, and 0 otherwise. This operator returns a boolean.
      • Neq

        public static final HxOperator Neq
        Not equal to. Binary relational operator. NEQ(a,b) = 1 if a != b, and 0 otherwise. This operator returns a boolean.
      • Geq

        public static final HxOperator Geq
        Greater than or equal to. Binary relational operator. GEQ(a,b) = 1 if a >= b, and 0 otherwise. This operator returns a boolean.
      • Leq

        public static final HxOperator Leq
        Lower than or equal to. Binary relational operator. LEQ(a,b) = 1 if a <= b, and 0 otherwise. This operator returns a boolean.
      • Gt

        public static final HxOperator Gt
        Strictly greater than. Binary relational operator. GT(a,b) = 1 if a > b, and 0 otherwise. Can be used to compare two intervals, in that case GT(a, b) = 1 if start(a) >= end(b), and 0 otherwise. Undefined if a or b is void. This operator returns a boolean.
      • Lt

        public static final HxOperator Lt
        Strictly lower than. Binary relational operator. LT(a, b) = 1 if a < b, and 0 otherwise. Can be used to compare two intervals, in that case LT(a, b) = 1 if end(a) <= start(b), and 0 otherwise. Undefined if a or b is void. This operator returns a boolean.
      • If

        public static final HxOperator If
        If-Then-Else. Ternary conditional operator. IF(a, b, c) is equal to b if a = 1, and c otherwise. The first operand must be a boolean (that is, equal to 0 or 1). This operator returns a boolean if the three operands are booleans, an integer if the second and third operands are integers, and a double if the second or the third operand is a double.
      • Not

        public static final HxOperator Not
        Not. Unary logical operator. NOT(a) = 1 - a. The operand must be boolean (that is, equal to 0 or 1). This operator returns a boolean.
      • And

        public static final HxOperator And

        And. N-ary logical operator. AND(e1, e2, ..., eN) is equal to 1 (true) if all the operands e1, e2, ..., eN are 1, and 0 otherwise. All the operands must be boolean (that is, equal to 0 or 1). This operator returns a boolean.

        With collections (lists, sets), intervals or 1D arrays

        This operator can also be used with intervals, List, Set or 1D Array to create expressions with a dynamic number of operands. In that case, this operator becomes a binary operator that takes an interval, a list, a set or a 1D array as first operand and a LambdaFunction as second operand. The operator will call the function on each value of the interval, list, set or 1D array and will return 1 if all the values returned by the function are 1 and 0 otherwise.

      • Or

        public static final HxOperator Or

        Or. N-ary logical operator. OR(e1, e2, ..., eN) is equal to 0 (false) if all operands e1, e2, ..., eN are 0, and 1 otherwise. All the operands must be boolean (that is, equal to 0 or 1). This operator returns a boolean.

        With collections (lists, sets), intervals or 1D arrays

        This operator can also be used with intervals, List, Set or 1D Array to create expressions with a dynamic number of operands. In that case, this operator becomes a binary operator that takes an interval, a list, a set or a 1D array as first operand and a LambdaFunction as second operand. The operator will call the function on each value of the interval, list, set or 1D array and will return 0 if all the values returned by the function are 0 and 1 otherwise.

      • Xor

        public static final HxOperator Xor

        Exclusive or (also called "xor"). N-ary logical operator. XOR(e1, e2, ..., eN) is equal to 0 if the number of operands with value 1 among e1, e2, ..., eN is even, and 1 otherwise. Remarkable case: XOR(a,b) = 0 if a == b, and 1 otherwise. All the operands must be boolean (that is, equal to 0 or 1). This operator returns a boolean.

        With collections (lists, sets), intervals or 1D arrays

        This operator can also be used with intervals, List, Set or 1D Array to create expressions with a dynamic number of operands. In that case, this operator becomes a binary operator that takes an interval, a list, a set or a 1D array as first operand and a LambdaFunction as second operand. The operator will call the function on each value of the interval, list, set or 1D array and will return 0 if the number of value 1 returned by the function is even, and 1 otherwise.

      • Abs

        public static final HxOperator Abs
        Absolute value. Unary arithmetic operator. ABS(e) = e >= 0 ? e : -e. This operator returns an integer if the operand is a boolean or an integer, and a double otherwise.
      • Dist

        public static final HxOperator Dist
        Distance between two numbers. Binary arithmetic operator. DIST(a,b) = ABS(a-b). This operator returns an integer if the two operands are booleans or integers, and a double as soon as one of the operand is a double.
      • Div

        public static final HxOperator Div
        Division. Binary arithmetic operator. This operator always returns a double. Note that until version 4.0, the division was an integer division if both operands were integers.
      • Mod

        public static final HxOperator Mod
        Modulo (remainder of the integer division). Binary arithmetic operator. MOD(a, b) = r such that a = q * b + r with q, r integers, r, a have the same sign and |r| < |b|. The operands must be integers or booleans. This operator returns an integer.
      • Array

        public static final HxOperator Array

        Array. An array is a collection of elements. Indexes begin at 0. It could be used with operators like At or Scalar. An array doesn't have a value by itself, but can contain operands of type boolean, integer, double, array (for multi-dimensional arrays) or collection (list or set). In the latter case, the collections must share the same domain and same type (either list or set). All the elements of an array must be of the same type. With intervals or lists

        This operator can also be used with intervals or lists to create an array with a dynamic number of elements. In that case, this operator becomes a binary operator that takes an interval or a list as first operand and a LambdaFunction. The operator will call the function on each value of the interval or the list and the returned values will be used to populate the array.

      • At

        public static final HxOperator At

        Returns the element at specific coordinates of an array or a list.

        For arrays

        The first operand must be the array and the other operands must be the coordinates of the element to get. The number of coordinates depends on the dimension of the array. Thus AT(myArray, i) returns the i element of the one-dimensional array myArray. This operator returns a boolean, an integer or a double according to the type of the operands in the array. If one of the specified coordinate is out of range, the evaluation of the expression will fail.

        For lists

        The first operand must be the list and the second operand must be the index of the element to get. If the index is out of range (index < 0 or index > count(list)), the evaluation of the expression will fail.

      • Scalar

        public static final HxOperator Scalar
        Scalar product. SCALAR(a, x) = sum(a[i]*x[i]) where a and x are two one-dimensional arrays. This operator returns an integer or a double according to the type of the operands in the arrays.
      • Ceil

        public static final HxOperator Ceil
        Ceil. Unary arithmetic operator. Returns a value rounded to the next highest integer. The operand can be a boolean, an integer or a double. This operator returns an integer.
      • Floor

        public static final HxOperator Floor
        Floor. Unary arithmetic operator. Returns a value rounded to the next lowest integer. The operand can be a boolean, an integer or a double. This operator returns an integer.
      • Round

        public static final HxOperator Round
        Round. Unary arithmetic operator. Returns a value rounded to the nearest integer. The operand can be a boolean, an integer or a double. This operator returns an integer.
      • Sqrt

        public static final HxOperator Sqrt
        Square root. Unary arithmetic operator. The operand can be a boolean, an integer or a double. This operator returns a double.
      • Log

        public static final HxOperator Log
        Natural logarithm (base-e). Unary arithmetic operator. The operand can be a boolean, an integer or a double. This operator returns a double.
      • Exp

        public static final HxOperator Exp
        Base-e exponential. Unary arithmetic operator. The operand can be a boolean, an integer or a double. This operator returns a double.
      • Pow

        public static final HxOperator Pow
        Power operator. POW(x, y) is equals to the value of x to the power of y. The operands can be booleans, integers or doubles. This operator returns a double.
      • Cos

        public static final HxOperator Cos
        Cosine. Unary arithmetic operator. The operand can be a boolean, an integer or a double. This operator returns a double.
      • Sin

        public static final HxOperator Sin
        Sine. Unary arithmetic operator. The operand can be a boolean, an integer or a double. This operator returns a double.
      • Tan

        public static final HxOperator Tan
        Tangent. Unary arithmetic operator. The operand can be a boolean, an integer or a double. This operator returns a double.
      • Int

        public static final HxOperator Int
        Integer decision variable. Operator with two operands that represent the lower bound and the upper bound of the decision (domain [lb, ub]). The bounds must be integer constants.
      • Piecewise

        public static final HxOperator Piecewise

        Piecewise-linear function operator. The piecewise linear function is defined by two arrays of numbers giving the breakpoints of the function. This operator has exactly 3 operands: The first two operands must be two arrays of equal sizes (necessarily larger or equal to 2). These arrays must contain constant numbers (integers or doubles). The first array must contain numbers in ascending order. The third operand must be an integer or a double expression. The evaluation of the piecewise will fail if the value of the third operand is strictly smaller that the first element of the first array, or strictly larger than the last element of the first array. This operator returns a double.

        PIECEWISE(x,y,z) returns the image of z by the function defined by geometric points (x[0],y[0]), (x[1],y[1]), ..., (x[n-1],y[n-1]), For instance PIECEWISE(ARRAY(0, 50, 100), ARRAY(0, 10, 100), 75) returns 55.

        Discontinuities are allowed in the definition of the function, that is to say that two geometric points can share the same x-coordinate. By convention the value taken by the function at such a discontinuous point is the one associated to the last occurrence of this x-coordinate in array x. For instance PIECEWISE(ARRAY(0, 50, 50, 100), ARRAY(0, 0.1, 0.9, 1), 50) returns 0.9.

      • List

        public static final HxOperator List

        A list is an ordered collection of integers within a range [0, n-1] where n is the unique argument of this operator. Mathematically a list is a permutation of a subset of [0, n-1]. This operator takes exactly one operand: a strictly positive integer constant. All values in the list will be pairwise different, non negative and strictly smaller that this number.

        The elements of the list can be accessed individually with the operator At.

      • Count

        public static final HxOperator Count
        The number of elements in an array, a collection or an interval. This operator takes exactly one argument of type array, collection or interval and returns an integer.
      • IndexOf

        public static final HxOperator IndexOf
        The index of a value in a list (-1 if the value is not in the list). This operator takes exactly two arguments: the first one is a list, the second one is an integer expression.
      • Partition

        public static final HxOperator Partition
        Partition. N-ary logical operator. PARTITION(c1, c2, ..., cN) is true if all lists or sets c1, c2, ..., cN form a partition of their common domain. All the operands must be collections of the same type (either list or set) and on the same range. These collections can be stored in a HxArray that will be passed as argument of the partition: PARTITION(array(c1, c2, ..., cN)).
      • Disjoint

        public static final HxOperator Disjoint
        Disjoint. N-ary logical operator. DISJOINT(c1, c2, ..., cN) is true if all lists or sets c1, c2, ..., cN are pairwise disjoint. All the operands must be collections of the same type (either list or set) and on the same range. These collections can be stored in a HxArray that will be passed as argument of the disjoint: DISJOINT(array(c1, c2, ..., cN)).
      • Call

        public static final HxOperator Call
        Call a particular function. The first operand must be a function (like ExternalFunction or LambdaFunction). The other operands are passed to the function as arguments. If the function is not a external function, the number of operands must match the number of arguments of the function.
      • Range

        public static final HxOperator Range

        Range expression. This operator takes exactly two integer operands. The first one is the lower bound (inclusive), the second one is the upper bound (exclusive).

        A range has an interval value and can be used with N-ary operators like Sum, Prod, Min, Max, Or, And, Xor or Array to create expressions that have a dynamic number of operands.

      • Contains

        public static final HxOperator Contains

        Contains. contains(expr, v) is true if and only if the expression expr contains the value v. This operator takes exactly two arguments: the first one is a collection (List or Set), an interval or an Array of collections, the second one is the integer expression searched. If ``expr`` is an array, all its collections must be of the same type and on the same range.

      • Set

        public static final HxOperator Set

        A set is an unordered collection of integers within a range [0, n-1] where n is the unique argument of this operator. This operator takes exactly one operand: a strictly positive integer constant. All values in the set will be pairwise different, non negative and strictly smaller that this number. Contrary to the List operator, elements in a set are not ordered and cannot be indexed with At. Sets can only be manipulated with lambdas and n-ary operators like Sum, Min, And, etc..

      • Deprecated

        public static final HxOperator Deprecated
        This operator is deprecated. Using it will raise an error.
      • Cover

        public static final HxOperator Cover
        Cover. N-ary logical operator. COVER(c1, c2, ..., cN) is true if all values in the domain are at least in one list or set c1, c2, ..., cN. All the operands must be collections of the same type (either list or set) and on the same range. These collections can be stored in a HxArray that will be passed as argument of the cover: COVER(array(c1, c2, ..., cN)).
      • Find

        public static final HxOperator Find
        Find. find(a, v) returns the position of the first collection in the array a that contains the value v. If the value is not in any collections of the array, it returns -1. If the element belongs to several collections, it returns the smallest position among the collections containing the element. This operator takes exactly two arguments: the first one is an Array of collections, the second one is the value searched. All the collections of the array must be of the same type and on the same range.
      • Sort

        public static final HxOperator Sort
        Sort. sort(a) returns the input Array a sorted in ascending order. This operator returns an array of integers if the input array is solely composed of booleans or integers, and an array of doubles as soon as the input array contains a double. This operator can also be used with an optional LambdaFunction as second argument sort(a, key). In that case the operator will sort the array in ascending order based on the values returned by the lambda function. The sort operator guarantees that the order of elements having the same key is preserved.
      • Interval

        public static final HxOperator Interval
        Interval decision variable. Operator with two integer constant operands that represent the min start and the max end of the decision. The interval is included in [minStart, maxEnd). Its start is inclusive and its end is exclusive.
      • Start

        public static final HxOperator Start
        The start of a non-void interval. This operator takes exactly one argument of type interval and returns an integer.
      • End

        public static final HxOperator End
        The end of a non-void interval. This operator takes exactly one argument of type interval and returns an integer.
      • Length

        public static final HxOperator Length
        The length of a non-void interval. This operator takes exactly one argument of type interval and returns an integer. The length of an interval is equivalent to end(interval) - start(interval). It differs from the count on void intervals since the length of a void interval is undefined whereas the count of a void interval is 0.
      • Distinct

        public static final HxOperator Distinct
        Returns the distinct values of the elements of an array, collection or interval. This operator accepts one or two operands. With one operand, the operator takes an array and returns the unordered set of distinct values in the array. With two operands, the operator takes a collection (set or list), range or interval as first operand and a LambdaFunction as second operand. The operator calls the function on each element of the iterable and returns the unordered set of distinct values among all the values returned by the function.
      • Intersection

        public static final HxOperator Intersection
        Returns the intersection between an array/collection and an array/collection. This operator accepts two operands. The operator takes a collection (set or list), or an array (constant or not) as its first and second operand. The operator returns the unordered set of the values present in both operands. With intervals This operator can also be used with intervals. The number of accepted operands is then n 1. In that case, this operator becomes an interval operator, it returns the biggest interval fully present in all operands.
      • Hull

        public static final HxOperator Hull
        The smallest interval including all intervals given in operands. This operator accepts n operands of type interval, or an unique operator of type array of intervals. The operator returns an interval with a start equal to the smallest start of its operands, and an end equal to the largest end of its operands. Void intervals given in operands will be ignored.
      • StepArray

        public static final HxOperator StepArray
        A constant array with optimised memory. StepArray takes as parameters two constant arrays X and Y of equal size N. X contains the indexes of the constant array where the value changes. X must have strictly positive increasing values. Y is an array of constants. These constants are the value in each interval between the indices given by X : all values between X[i - 1] and X[i] are equal to Y[i].
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static HxOperator[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (HxOperator c : HxOperator.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static HxOperator valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null