Hexaly Optimizer 13.0

Modeling operators


The smallest interval including all intervals given in operands. This operator accepts n operands of type interval, or an unique operator of type array of intervals. The operator returns an interval with a start equal to the smallest start of its operands, and an end equal to the largest end of its operands. Void intervals given in operands will be ignored.


A constant array with optimised memory. StepArray takes as parameters two constant arrays X and Y of equal size N. X contains the indexes of the constant array where the value changes. X must have strictly positive increasing values. Y is an array of constants. These constants are the value in each interval between the indices given by X : all values between X[i - 1] and X[i] are equal to Y[i].

At (behavior change)

The AT operator applied to a list decision variable takes two operands: the list and the index. If the index is outside the bounds of the list, i.e. strictly less than 0 or greater than or equal to the number of elements in the list (which can be obtained using the COUNT operator), the evaluation of the AT will no longer return -1 but will fail. This behavior is now aligned with the one implemented for arrays.

API Changes

Hexaly Modeler

  • Added hull() operator.

  • Added stepArray() operator.

  • Added new methods HxCollection.isUndefined() and HxArray.isUndefined() to test if the collection or the array is undefined.





  • Added HxOperator.Hull operator.

  • Added HxModel.Hull to create hull expressions.

  • Added HxOperator.StepArray operator.

  • Added HxModel.StepArray to create stepArray expressions.

  • Added new methods HxCollection.isUndefined and HxArray.isUndefined to test if the collection or the array is undefined.