LocalSolver sponsors ROADEF 2022


The annual conference of the French Operations Research and Decision Support Society, namely ROADEF, will be held in Lyon on February 23-25, 2022.

LocalSolver is glad to sponsor ROADEF 2022. Please meet us at our booth to discover LocalSolver 11.0 new features and applications. This is also the occasion to meet our team of Optimization Scientists and find our job offers.

LocalSolver 11.0: new features and performance improvements
Julien Darlay, Abstract

Solving the Assembly Line Balancing Problem with LocalSolver
Léa Blaise, Abstract

Allocation of satellite communication slots
Lucile Mahé, Abstract

Constrained and unconstrained BlackBox optimization
Emeline Tenaud, Abstract

Aircraft Emergency Trajectory Design: A Fast Marching Method on a Triangular Mesh
Lucas Ligny, Abstract

Mixed variables methods applied to industrial inventory routing within LocalSolver
Guillaume Crognier, Abstract

Operational planning of excavated soil transportation
Nicolas Blandamour, Abstract

Equality constraints in an interior-point method
Adrien Lesage, Abstract

Industrial scheduling for mattress production
Olivier Rigal, Abstract

Linearization of list decision variables in LocalSolver
Sandrine Bouguen, Abstract

The strange case of the optimality tolerance in hierarchical multi-objective solvers
Nikolas Stott, Abstract

PACE Challenge 2021: heuristics for cluster editing problem
Ulysse Prieto, Abstract

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