This page is for an old version of Hexaly Optimizer. We recommend that you update your version and read the documentation for the latest stable release.

LSBBOperator Enumeration

class localsolverblackbox.LSBBOperator

Mathematical operators available for modeling. These operators are used to type the expressions created in LocalSolverBlackBox mathematical optimization model.

As other enumerations present in the localsolverblackbox module, LSBBOperator is enumerable and indexable:

print (LSBBOperator[0])        # Shows LSBBOperator.BOOL
print (LSBBState.BOOL.value)   # Shows 0

# Iterates over the members of LSBBOperator
for e in LSBBOperator:
    print e

Boolean decision. Decisional operator with no operand. Decision variable with domain {0,1}.


Integer decision variable. Decisional operator with two operands min and max. Decision variable with domain [min,max].


Float decision. Decisional operator with two operands min and max. Decision variable with domain [min,max].


Constant. Unary operator. Can be equal to any integer.


Native function.

Native functions are used to retrieve the value of expressions from external functions written with your favorite language. Native functions are created with the dedicated method LSBBModel.create_native_function().


Call a particular function.

The first operand must be a function (like NATIVE_FUNCTION). The other operands are passed to the function as arguments.