This page is for an old version of Hexaly Optimizer. We recommend that you update your version and read the documentation for the latest stable release.

LSSolutionStatus Enumeration

class localsolver.LSSolutionStatus

Solution status: Optimal, Feasible, Infeasible or Inconsistent.

As other enumerations present in the localsolver module, LSSolutionStatus is enumerable and indexable:

print (LSSolutionStatus[0])                 # Shows LSSolutionStatus.INCONSISTENT
print (LSSolutionStatus.INCONSISTENT.value) # Shows 0

# Iterates over the members of LSSolutionStatus
for e in LSSolutionStatus:
    print e

Solution and model are inconsistent. The solver was able to prove that the model admits no feasible solution. Note that even a model without any constraint can be infeasible because some expressions induce implicit constraints: for instance defining SQRT(x) implicitly constrains x to be non-negative.


Solution is infeasible (some constraints are violated).


Solution is feasible but optimality was not proven.


Solution is optimal (all objective bounds are reached).