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  • Vehicle Routing Problem with Transhipment Facilities (VRPTF)

Vehicle Routing Problem with Transhipment Facilities (VRPTF)

Principles learned

  • Add multiple list decision variables

  • Add a disjoint constraint

  • Use a lambda expression to compute a sum with a variable number of terms

  • Access a multi-dimensional array with an “at” operator



In the Vehicle Routing Problem with Transhipment Facilities (VRPTF), which is an extension of the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (CVRP), a fleet of delivery vehicles with uniform capacity must service customers with known demand for a single commodity. The vehicles start and end their routes at a common depot. Each customer can only be served by one vehicle. Contrary to the CVRP, customers can be served either directly or through transhipment facilities. The cost of assigning a customer a facility is modeled as the distance between them (different cost models are possible). The objective is to minimize the cost of serving all the customers, which is the sum of the total distance travelled by all the vehicles and the sum of all the customer to facility assignment costs.

For more details, see

Roberto Baldacci et al., Transportation Science.

Download the example


The instances used in this example come from the C. Prodhon instances for the Location Routing Problem (LRP).

The format of the data files is as follows:

  • The number of customers

  • The number of depots

  • The x and y coordinates of the depots and the customers

  • The capacity of the delivery vehicles

  • The capacity of each depot

  • The demand for every customer

  • The opening cost of each depot

  • The opening cost of a route

We use the provided depots as transhipment facilities. Since they are not relevant for the VRPTF we ignore the following values:

  • The capacity of each depot

  • The opening cost of each depot

  • The opening cost of a route

The coordinates of the common depot are computed as the center of the bounding rectangle that contains all the customers and facilities.


This Hexaly model defines a route for each truck r as a list variable (routes[r]). It corresponds to the sequence of points visited. We consider nbCustomers + nbCustomers * nbFacilities points:

  • One point for each customer c. If routes[r] visits point c, it means that customer c is directly served by truck r.

  • One point for each facility f, duplicated for each customer c. If routes[r] visits point nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f, it means that customer c is served by truck r through transhipment facility f.

To ensure that no points are visited more than once, all the list variables are constrained to be pairwise disjoint, using the “disjoint” operator.

The number of sequences nbTrucks is determined as the minimum number of trucks necessary to serve every customer without overloading the vehicles, multiplied by a factor of 1.5 to ensure feasibility.

Each customer c must be served exactly once, either directly or through a facility. The contains() operator can be used to determine if a customer or a facility is visited by a truck. The boolean expression contains(routes, c) will evaluate to true if customer c is directly served by any truck, and to false otherwise. Likewise, contains(routes, f) will evaluate to true if any truck serves customer c through facility f. We ensure that each customer will be served exactly once by contraining the sum of contains(routes, c) and all of the contains(routes, f) for f between startFacilities and endFacilities to be equal to one.

The quantity delivered to a customer c has to meet the corresponding demand demands[c]. The quantity served by a truck r is defined with a sum of demands over all of the points contained in routes[r]. Access to the items of the demands is performed with a function and the “at” operator. The quantity served by a truck must not exceed its capacity.

The distance travelled by each truck is computed with the help of the distanceMatrix and depotDistances arrays. We use a function and the “at” operator to sum the distances along each route.

The assignement costs along each route are computed using the assignementCosts array. This array is defined such that assignmentCosts[c] = 0 for each customer c and assignmentCosts[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] is equal to the distance between customer c and facility f. Here again we use a function and the “at” operator to sum assignment costs along each route.

The objective is to minimize the sum of the total distance travelled and the total assignement cost.

hexaly vrptf.hxm inFileName=instances/coord20-5-1.dat [hxTimeLimit=] [solFileName=]
use io;

/* Read instance data */
function input() {
    local usage = "Usage: hexaly vrptf.hxm "
            + "inFileName=inputFile [solFileName=outputFile] [hxTimeLimit=timeLimit]";

    if (inFileName == nil) throw usage;


    demands[c in 0...nbCustomers] = customersDemand[c];
    for [c in 0...nbCustomers][f in 0...nbFacilities] {
        demands[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] = customersDemand[c];

    minNbTrucks = ceil(sum[c in 0...nbCustomers](customersDemand[c]) / capacity);
    nbTrucks = ceil(1.5 * minNbTrucks);

/* Declare the optimization model */
function model() {
    // A point is either a customer or a facility
    // Facilities are duplicated for each customer
    nbPoints = nbCustomers + nbCustomers * nbFacilities;

    // Each route is represented as a list containing the points in the order they are visited
    routesSequences[0...nbTrucks] <- list(nbPoints);

    // Each point must be visited at most once
    constraint disjoint(routesSequences);

    for [c in 0...nbCustomers] {
        startFacilities = nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities;
        endFacilities = startFacilities + nbFacilities;

        // Each customer is either contained in a route or assigned to a facility
        facilityUsed[f in startFacilities...endFacilities] <- contains(routesSequences, f);
        deliveryCount <- contains(routesSequences, c) + sum[f in startFacilities...endFacilities](facilityUsed[f]);
        constraint deliveryCount == 1;

    for [r in 0...nbTrucks] {
        local route <- routesSequences[r];
        local c <- count(route);

        // Each truck cannot carry more than its capacity
        quantity_served <- sum(0...c, i => demands[route[i]]);
        constraint quantity_served <= capacity;

        // Distance travelled by each truck
        routeDistances[r] <- sum(0...c-1, i => distanceMatrix[route[i]][route[i + 1]])
                + (c > 0 ? (depotDistances[route[0]] + depotDistances[route[c - 1]]) : 0);

        // The cost to assign customers to their facility
        routeAssignmentCost[r] <- sum(route, i => assignmentCosts[i]);

    // The total distance travelled
    totalDistance <- sum[r in 0...nbTrucks](routeDistances[r]);
    // The total assignement cost
    totalAssignmentCost <- sum[r in 0...nbTrucks](routeAssignmentCost[r]);

    // Objective: minimize the sum of the total distance travelled and the total assignement cost
    totalCost <- totalDistance + totalAssignmentCost;
    minimize totalCost;

function param() {
    if (hxTimeLimit == nil) hxTimeLimit = 20;

function output() {
    if (solFileName == nil) return;
    local solFile = io.openWrite(solFileName);
    solFile.println("File name: ", inFileName, "; totalCost = ", totalCost.value,
            "; totalDistance = ", totalDistance.value,
            "; totalAssignementCost = ", totalAssignmentCost.value);
    for [r in 0...nbTrucks] {
        local route = routesSequences[r].value;
        if (route.count() == 0) continue;
        solFile.print("Route ", r, " [");
        for [i in 0...route.count()] {
            local pointIndex = route[i];
            if (pointIndex < nbCustomers) {
                solFile.print("Customer ", pointIndex);
            } else {
                solFile.print("Facility ", pointIndex % nbCustomers, " assigned to Customer ", floor((pointIndex - nbCustomers) / nbFacilities));
            if (i < route.count() - 1) {
                solFile.print(", ");

function readInput() {
    local inFile = io.openRead(inFileName);
    nbCustomers = inFile.readInt();
    nbFacilities = inFile.readInt();

    for [f in 0...nbFacilities] {
        facilitiesX[f] = inFile.readInt();
        facilitiesY[f] = inFile.readInt();

    for [c in 0...nbCustomers] {
        customersX[c] = inFile.readInt();
        customersY[c] = inFile.readInt();
    capacity = inFile.readInt();

    // Facility capacities : skip
    for [f in 0...nbFacilities] {

    for [c in 0...nbCustomers] {
        customersDemand[c] = inFile.readInt();

function computeDepotCoordinates() {
    // Compute the coordinates of the bounding box containing all of the points
    xMinFacilities = min[f in 0...nbFacilities](facilitiesX[f]);
    xMaxFacilities = max[f in 0...nbFacilities](facilitiesX[f]);
    yMinFacilities = min[f in 0...nbFacilities](facilitiesY[f]);
    yMaxFacilities = max[f in 0...nbFacilities](facilitiesY[f]);

    xMinCustomers = min[f in 0...nbCustomers](customersX[f]);
    xMaxCustomers = max[f in 0...nbCustomers](customersX[f]);
    yMinCustomers = min[f in 0...nbCustomers](customersY[f]);
    yMaxCustomers = max[f in 0...nbCustomers](customersY[f]);

    xMin = min(xMinFacilities, xMinCustomers);
    xMax = max(xMaxFacilities, xMaxCustomers);
    yMin = min(yMinFacilities, yMinCustomers);
    yMax = max(yMaxFacilities, yMaxCustomers);

    // We assume that the depot is at the center of the bounding box
    depotX = xMin + floor((xMax - xMin) / 2.0);
    depotY = yMin + floor((yMax - yMin) / 2.0);

function computeDistances() {
    // Customer to depot
    depotDistances[c in 0...nbCustomers] = computeDistance(customersX[c], depotX, customersY[c], depotY);

    // Facility to depot
    for [c in 0...nbCustomers][f in 0...nbFacilities] {
        depotDistances[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] = computeDistance(facilitiesX[f], depotX, facilitiesY[f], depotY);

    // Distances between customers
    distanceMatrix[c1 in 0...nbCustomers][c2 in 0...nbCustomers] = computeDistance(customersX[c1], customersX[c2], customersY[c1], customersY[c2]);

    // Distances between customers and facilities
    for [c1 in 0...nbCustomers][c2 in 0...nbCustomers][f in 0...nbFacilities] {
        // Index representing serving c2 through facility f
        local facilityIndex = nbCustomers + c2 * nbFacilities + f;
        local distance = computeDistance(facilitiesX[f], customersX[c1], facilitiesY[f], customersY[c1]);
        distanceMatrix[facilityIndex][c1] = distance;
        distanceMatrix[c1][facilityIndex] = distance;

    // Distances between facilities
    for [c1 in 0...nbCustomers][c2 in 0...nbCustomers][f1 in 0...nbFacilities][f2 in 0...nbFacilities] {
        distanceMatrix[nbCustomers + c1 * nbFacilities + f1][nbCustomers + c2 * nbFacilities + f2] =
                computeDistance(facilitiesX[f1], facilitiesX[f2], facilitiesY[f1], facilitiesY[f2]);

function computeAssignmentCosts() {
    // Compute assignment cost for each point
    assignmentCosts[c in 0...nbCustomers] = 0;
    for [c in 0...nbCustomers][f in 0...nbFacilities] {
        // Cost of serving customer c through facility f
        assignmentCosts[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] = distanceMatrix[c][nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f];

function computeDistance(x1, x2, y1, y2) {
    return round(sqrt(pow((x1 - x2), 2) + pow((y1 - y2), 2)));
Execution (Windows)
set PYTHONPATH=%HX_HOME%\bin\python\
python vrptf.py instances\coord20-5-1.dat
Execution (Linux)
export PYTHONPATH=/opt/hexaly_13_5/bin/python
python vrptf.py instances/coord20-5-1.dat
import hexaly.optimizer
import sys
import math

def read_elem(filename):
    with open(filename) as f:
        return [str(elem) for elem in f.read().split()]

def main(instance_file, str_time_limit, sol_file):
    # Read instance data
    nb_customers, nb_facilities, capacity, customers_demands, \
        depot_distances_data, distance_matrix_data, assignement_costs_data = read_input(instance_file)

    # A point is either a customer or a facility
    # Facilities are duplicated for each customer
    nb_points = nb_customers + nb_customers * nb_facilities

    demands_data = [None] * nb_points
    for c in range(nb_customers):
        demands_data[c] = customers_demands[c]
        for f in range(nb_facilities):
            demands_data[nb_customers + c * nb_facilities + f] = customers_demands[c]

    min_nb_trucks = int(math.ceil(sum(customers_demands) / capacity))
    nb_trucks = int(math.ceil(1.5 * min_nb_trucks))

    with hexaly.optimizer.HexalyOptimizer() as optimizer:
        # Declare the optimization model
        m = optimizer.model

        # Each route is represented as a list containing the points in the order they are visited
        routes_sequences = [m.list(nb_points) for _ in range(nb_trucks)]
        routes = m.array(routes_sequences)

        # Each point must be visited at most once

        dist_routes = [None] * nb_trucks
        assignement_cost_routes = [None] * nb_trucks

        # Create Hexaly arrays to be able to access them with "at" operators
        demands = m.array(demands_data)
        dist_matrix = m.array()
        dist_depots = m.array(depot_distances_data)
        assignement_costs = m.array(assignement_costs_data)
        for i in range(nb_points):

        for c in range(nb_customers):
            start_facilities = nb_customers + c * nb_facilities
            end_facilities = start_facilities + nb_facilities

            # Each customer is either contained in a route or assigned to a facility
            facility_used = [m.contains(routes, f) for f in range(start_facilities, end_facilities)]
            delivery_count = m.contains(routes, c) + m.sum(facility_used)
            m.constraint(delivery_count == 1)

        for r in range(nb_trucks):
            route = routes_sequences[r]
            c = m.count(route)

            # Each truck cannot carry more than its capacity
            demand_lambda = m.lambda_function(lambda j: demands[j])
            quantity_served = m.sum(route, demand_lambda)
            m.constraint(quantity_served <= capacity)

            # Distance traveled by each truck
            dist_lambda = m.lambda_function(
                lambda i: m.at(dist_matrix, route[i], route[i + 1]))
            dist_routes[r] = m.sum(m.range(0, c - 1), dist_lambda) + m.iif(
                c > 0,
                m.at(dist_depots, route[0])
                + m.at(dist_depots, route[c - 1]),
            # Cost to assign customers to their facility
            assignment_cost_lambda = m.lambda_function(
                lambda i: assignement_costs[i]
            assignement_cost_routes[r] = m.sum(route, assignment_cost_lambda)

        # The total distance travelled
        total_distance_cost = m.sum(dist_routes)
        # The total assignement cost
        total_assignement_cost = m.sum(assignement_cost_routes)

        # Objective: minimize the sum of the total distance travelled and the total assignement cost
        total_cost = total_distance_cost + total_assignement_cost



        # Parameterize the optimizer
        optimizer.param.time_limit = int(str_time_limit)


        if sol_file != None:
            with open(sol_file, 'w') as file:
                file.write("File name: {}; totalCost = {}; totalDistance = {}; totalAssignementCost = {}\n"
                           .format(instance_file, total_cost.value, total_distance_cost.value, total_assignement_cost.value))
                for r in range(nb_trucks):
                    route = routes_sequences[r].value
                    if len(route) == 0:
                    file.write("Route {} [".format(r))
                    for i, point in enumerate(route):
                        if point < nb_customers:
                            file.write("Customer {}".format(point))
                            file.write("Facility {} assigned to Customer {}"
                                       .format(point % nb_customers, (point - nb_customers) // nb_facilities))
                        if i < len(route) - 1:
                            file.write(", ")

def read_input_dat(filename):
    file_it = iter(read_elem(filename))

    nb_customers = int(next(file_it))
    nb_facilities = int(next(file_it))

    facilities_x = [None] * nb_facilities
    facilities_y = [None] * nb_facilities
    for i in range(nb_facilities):
        facilities_x[i] = int(next(file_it))
        facilities_y[i] = int(next(file_it))

    customers_x = [None] * nb_customers
    customers_y = [None] * nb_customers
    for i in range(nb_customers):
        customers_x[i] = int(next(file_it))
        customers_y[i] = int(next(file_it))

    truck_capacity = int(next(file_it))

    # Facility capacities : skip
    for f in range(nb_facilities):

    customer_demands = [None] * nb_customers
    for i in range(nb_customers):
        customer_demands[i] = int(next(file_it))

    depot_x, depot_y = compute_depot_coordinates(customers_x, customers_y,
                                                 facilities_x, facilities_y)
    depot_distances, distance_matrix = compute_distances(customers_x, customers_y,
                                                         facilities_x, facilities_y,
                                                         depot_x, depot_y)
    assignement_costs = compute_assignment_costs(nb_customers, nb_facilities, distance_matrix)

    return nb_customers, nb_facilities, truck_capacity, customer_demands, \
        depot_distances, distance_matrix, assignement_costs

def compute_depot_coordinates(customers_x, customers_y, facilities_x, facilities_y):
    # Compute the coordinates of the bounding box containing all of the points
    x_min = min(min(customers_x), min(facilities_x))
    x_max = max(max(customers_x), max(facilities_x))
    y_min = min(min(customers_y), min(facilities_y))
    y_max = max(max(customers_y), max(facilities_y))

    # We assume that the depot is at the center of the bounding box
    return x_min + (x_max - x_min) // 2, y_min + (y_max - y_min) // 2

def compute_distances(customers_x, customers_y, facilities_x, facilities_y, depot_x, depot_y):
    nb_customers = len(customers_x)
    nb_facilities = len(facilities_x)
    nb_points = nb_customers + nb_customers * nb_facilities

    # Distance to depot
    depot_distances = [None] * nb_points

    # Customer to depot
    for c in range(nb_customers):
        depot_distances[c] = compute_dist(customers_x[c], depot_x, customers_y[c], depot_y)

    # Facility to depot
    for c in range(nb_customers):
        for f in range(nb_facilities):
            depot_distances[nb_customers + c * nb_facilities + f] = \
                compute_dist(facilities_x[f], depot_x, facilities_y[f], depot_y)

    # Distance between points
    distance_matrix = [[None for _ in range(nb_points)] for _ in range(nb_points)]

    # Distances between customers
    for c_1 in range(nb_customers):
        for c_2 in range(nb_customers):
            distance_matrix[c_1][c_2] = \
                compute_dist(customers_x[c_1], customers_x[c_2],
                             customers_y[c_1], customers_y[c_2])

    # Distances between customers and facilities
    for c_1 in range(nb_customers):
        for f in range(nb_facilities):
            distance = compute_dist(facilities_x[f], customers_x[c_1],
                                    facilities_y[f], customers_y[c_1])
            for c_2 in range(nb_customers):
                # Index representing serving c_2 through facility f
                facility_index = nb_customers + c_2 * nb_facilities + f
                distance_matrix[facility_index][c_1] = distance
                distance_matrix[c_1][facility_index] = distance

    # Distances between facilities
    for f_1 in range(nb_facilities):
        for f_2 in range(nb_facilities):
            dist = compute_dist(facilities_x[f_1], facilities_x[f_2], facilities_y[f_1], facilities_y[f_2])
            for c_1 in range(nb_customers):
                for c_2 in range(nb_customers):
                    distance_matrix[nb_customers + c_1 * nb_facilities + f_1]\
                        [nb_customers + c_2 * nb_facilities + f_2] = dist

    return depot_distances, distance_matrix

def compute_assignment_costs(nb_customers, nb_facilities, distance_matrix):
    # Compute assignment cost for each point
    nb_points = nb_customers + nb_customers * nb_facilities
    assignment_costs = [0] * nb_points
    for c in range(nb_customers):
        for f in range(nb_facilities):
            #  Cost of serving customer c through facility f
            assignment_costs[nb_customers + c * nb_facilities + f] = \
                distance_matrix[c][nb_customers + c * nb_facilities + f]
    return assignment_costs

def compute_dist(xi, xj, yi, yj):
    exact_dist = math.sqrt(math.pow(xi - xj, 2) + math.pow(yi - yj, 2))
    return round(exact_dist)

def read_input(filename):
    if filename.endswith(".dat"):
        return read_input_dat(filename)
        raise Exception("Unknown file format")

if __name__ == '__main__':
    if len(sys.argv) < 2:
        print("Usage: python vrptf.py input_file \
            [output_file] [time_limit]")

    instance_file = sys.argv[1]
    sol_file = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) > 2 else None
    str_time_limit = sys.argv[3] if len(sys.argv) > 3 else "20"

    main(instance_file, str_time_limit, sol_file)
Compilation / Execution (Windows)
cl /EHsc vrptf.cpp -I%HX_HOME%\include /link %HX_HOME%\bin\hexaly135.lib
vrptf instances\coord20-5-1.dat
Compilation / Execution (Linux)
g++ vrptf.cpp -I/opt/hexaly_13_5/include -lhexaly135 -lpthread -o vrptf
./vrptf instances/coord20-5-1.dat
#include <climits>
#include <cmath>
#include <cstring>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <numeric>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>

#include "optimizer/hexalyoptimizer.h"

using namespace hexaly;
using namespace std;

class Vrptf {
    // Hexaly Optimizer
    HexalyOptimizer optimizer;

    // Number of customers
    int nbCustomers;

    // Customers coordinates
    vector<int> xCustomers;
    vector<int> yCustomers;

    // Customers demands
    vector<int> demandsData;

    // Number of depots
    int nbFacilities;

    // Depots coordinates
    vector<int> xFacilities;
    vector<int> yFacilities;

    // Number of points
    int nbPoints;

    // Depot coordinates
    int xDepot;
    int yDepot;

    // Number of trucks
    int nbTrucks;

    // Capacity of trucks
    int truckCapacity;

    // Distance matrix
    vector<vector<int>> distMatrixData;

    // Distance to depot array
    vector<int> distDepotsData;

    // Assignement costs
    vector<int> assignmentCostsData;

    // Decision variables
    vector<HxExpression> routesSequences;

    // Objective value
    HxExpression totalDistanceCost;
    HxExpression totalAssignementCost;
    HxExpression totalCost;

    void readInstance(const char* fileName) {

    void solve(const char* limit) {
        // Declare the optimization model
        HxModel m = optimizer.getModel();

        double totalDemand = accumulate(demandsData.begin(), demandsData.begin() + nbCustomers, 0);
        int minNbTrucks = ceil(totalDemand / truckCapacity);
        nbTrucks = ceil(1.5 * minNbTrucks);

        // A route is represented as a list containing the points in the order they are visited
        for (int r = 0; r < nbTrucks; ++r) {
            routesSequences[r] = m.listVar(nbPoints);

        HxExpression routes = m.array(routesSequences.begin(), routesSequences.end());

        // Each customer must be visited at most once
        m.constraint(m.disjoint(routesSequences.begin(), routesSequences.end()));

        // Create Hexaly arrays to be able to access them with "at" operators
        HxExpression demands = m.array(demandsData.begin(), demandsData.end());
        HxExpression distMatrix = m.array();
        for (int i = 0; i < nbPoints; ++i) {
            distMatrix.addOperand(m.array(distMatrixData[i].begin(), distMatrixData[i].end()));
        HxExpression distDepots = m.array(distDepotsData.begin(), distDepotsData.end());
        HxExpression assignementCosts = m.array(assignmentCostsData.begin(), assignmentCostsData.end());

        vector<HxExpression> distRoutes(nbTrucks);
        vector<HxExpression> assignmentCostRoutes(nbTrucks);

        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            int startFacilities = nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities;
            int endFacilities = startFacilities + nbFacilities;

            // Each customer is either contained in a route or assigned to a facility
            HxExpression facilityUsedSum = m.sum();
            for (int f = startFacilities; f < endFacilities; ++f) {
                facilityUsedSum.addOperand(m.contains(routes, f));
            m.constraint(m.contains(routes, c) + facilityUsedSum == 1);

        for (int r = 0; r < nbTrucks; ++r) {
            HxExpression route = routesSequences[r];
            HxExpression c = m.count(route);

            // Each truck cannot carry more than its capacity
            HxExpression demandLambda = m.lambdaFunction([&](HxExpression j) { return demands[j]; });
            HxExpression quantityServed = m.sum(route, demandLambda);
            m.constraint(quantityServed <= truckCapacity);

            HxExpression distLambda =
                m.lambdaFunction([&](HxExpression i) { return m.at(distMatrix, route[i], route[i + 1]); });

            // Truck is used if it visits at least one point
            HxExpression truckUsed = c > 0;

            // Distance traveled by each truck
            distRoutes[r] = m.sum(m.range(0, c - 1), distLambda) + 
                    m.at(distDepots, route[0]) +
                    m.at(distDepots, route[c - 1]),

            // The cost to assign customers to their facility
            HxExpression assignementCostLambda =
                m.lambdaFunction([&](HxExpression i) { return assignementCosts[i]; });
            assignmentCostRoutes[r] = m.sum(route, assignementCostLambda);

        // The total distance travelled
        totalDistanceCost = m.sum(distRoutes.begin(), distRoutes.end());
        // The total assignement cost
        totalAssignementCost = m.sum(assignmentCostRoutes.begin(), assignmentCostRoutes.end());

        // Objective: minimize the sum of the total distance travelled and the total assignement cost
        totalCost = totalDistanceCost + totalAssignementCost;



    /* Write the solution in a file */
    void writeSolution(const char* inFile, const string& solFile) {
        ofstream file;
        file.exceptions(ofstream::failbit | ofstream::badbit);
        file << "File name: " << inFile << "; totalCost = " << totalCost.getIntValue()
            << "; totalDistance = " << totalDistanceCost.getIntValue()
            << "; totalAssignementCost = " << totalAssignementCost.getIntValue() << endl;
        for (int r = 0; r < nbTrucks; ++r) {
            HxCollection route = routesSequences[r].getCollectionValue();
            if (route.count() == 0) continue;
            file << "Route " << r << " [";
            for (int i = 0; i < route.count(); ++i) {
                long point = route.get(i);
                if (point < nbCustomers) {
                    file << "Customer " << point;
                else {
                    file << "Facility " << point % nbCustomers << " assigned to Customer " << (point - nbCustomers) / nbFacilities;
                if (i < route.count() - 1) {
                    file << ", ";
            file << "]" << endl;

    void readInput(const char* fileName) {
        string file = fileName;
        ifstream infile(file.c_str());
        if (!infile.is_open()) {
            throw std::runtime_error("File cannot be opened.");
        infile >> nbCustomers;
        infile >> nbFacilities;

        // A point is either a customer or a facility
        // Facilities are duplicated for each customer
        nbPoints = nbCustomers + nbCustomers * nbFacilities;
        for (int i = 0; i < nbPoints; ++i) {

        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            infile >> xFacilities[f];
            infile >> yFacilities[f];
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            infile >> xCustomers[c];
            infile >> yCustomers[c];

        infile >> truckCapacity;

        // Facility capacities : skip
        infile.ignore(1000, '\n');
        infile.ignore(1000, '\n');
        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            infile.ignore(1000, '\n');

        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            infile >> demandsData[c];
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
                demandsData[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] = demandsData[c];


    void computeDepotCoordinates() {
        // Compute the coordinates of the bounding box containing all of the points
        int xMin = INT_MAX;
        int xMax = INT_MIN;
        int yMin = INT_MAX;
        int yMax = INT_MIN;

        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            xMin = min(xMin, xCustomers[c]);
        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            xMin = min(xMin, xFacilities[f]);
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            xMax = max(xMax, xCustomers[c]);
        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            xMax = max(xMax, xFacilities[f]);
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            yMin = min(yMin, yCustomers[c]);
        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            yMin = min(yMin, yFacilities[f]);
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            yMax = max(yMax, yCustomers[c]);
        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            yMax = max(yMax, yFacilities[f]);

        // We assume that the depot is at the center of the bounding box
        xDepot = xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2;
        yDepot = yMin + (yMax - yMin) / 2;

    void computeDistances() {
        // Customer to depot
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            distDepotsData[c] = computeDist(xCustomers[c], xDepot, yCustomers[c], yDepot);

        // Facility to depot
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
                distDepotsData[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] = computeDist(xFacilities[f], xDepot, yFacilities[f],

        // Distances between customers
        for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nbCustomers; ++c1) {
            for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nbCustomers; ++c2) {
                long dist = computeDist(xCustomers[c1], xCustomers[c2], yCustomers[c1], yCustomers[c2]);
                distMatrixData[c1][c2] = dist;
                distMatrixData[c2][c1] = dist;

        // Distances between customers and facilities
        for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nbCustomers; ++c1) {
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
                long dist = computeDist(xFacilities[f], xCustomers[c1], yFacilities[f], yCustomers[c1]);
                for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nbCustomers; ++c2) {
                     // Index representing serving c2 through facility f
                    int facilityIndex = nbCustomers + c2 * nbFacilities + f;
                    distMatrixData[facilityIndex][c1] = dist;
                    distMatrixData[c1][facilityIndex] = dist;

        // Distances between facilities
        for (int f1 = 0; f1 < nbFacilities; ++f1) {
            for (int f2 = 0; f2 < nbFacilities; ++f2) {
                long dist = computeDist(xFacilities[f1], xFacilities[f2], yFacilities[f1], yFacilities[f2]);
                for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nbCustomers; ++c1) {
                    // Index representing serving c1 through facility f1
                    int index1 = nbCustomers + c1 * nbFacilities + f1;
                    for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nbCustomers; ++c2) {
                        // Index representing serving c2 through facility f2
                        int index2 = nbCustomers + c2 * nbFacilities + f2;
                        distMatrixData[index1][index2] = dist;

    void computeAssignmentCosts() {
        // Compute assignment cost for each point
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            assignmentCostsData[c] = 0;
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
                // Cost of serving customer c through facility f
                assignmentCostsData[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] =
                    distMatrixData[c][nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f];

    int computeDist(int xi, int xj, int yi, int yj) {
        double exactDist = sqrt(pow(xi - xj, 2) + pow(yi - yj, 2));
        return round(exactDist);

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
    if (argc < 2) {
        cerr << "Usage: ./vrptf inputFile [outputFile] [timeLimit]" << endl;
        return 1;
    const char* instanceFile = argv[1];
    const char* solFile = argc > 2 ? argv[2] : NULL;
    const char* strTimeLimit = argc > 3 ? argv[3] : "20";

    try {
        Vrptf model;
        if (solFile != NULL)
            model.writeSolution(instanceFile, solFile);
    } catch (const std::exception& e) {
        std::cerr << "An error occured: " << e.what() << endl;

    return 0;
Compilation/Execution (Windows)
copy %HX_HOME%\bin\Hexaly.NET.dll .
csc Vrptf.cs /reference:Hexaly.NET.dll
Vrptf instances\coord20-5-1.dat
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using Hexaly.Optimizer;

public class Vrptf : IDisposable
    // Hexaly Optimizer
    HexalyOptimizer optimizer;

    // Number of customers
    int nbCustomers;

    // Customers coordinates
    int[] xCustomers;
    int[] yCustomers;

    // Customers demands
    int[] demandsData;

    // Number of facilities
    int nbFacilities;

    // Depots coordinates
    int[] xFacilities;
    int[] yFacilities;

    // Number of points
    int nbPoints;

    // Depot coordinates
    int xDepot;
    int yDepot;

    // Number of trucks
    int nbTrucks;

    // Capacity of a truck
    int truckCapacity;

    // Distance matrix
    long[][] distMatrixData;

    // Distance to depot array
    long[] distDepotsData;

    // Assignement costs
    long[] assignmentCostsData;

    // Decision variables
    HxExpression[] routesSequences;

    // Objective value
    HxExpression totalDistanceCost;
    HxExpression totalAssignementCost;
    HxExpression totalCost;

    public Vrptf()
        optimizer = new HexalyOptimizer();

    public void Dispose()
        if (optimizer != null)

    void Solve(int limit)
        // Declare the optimization model
        HxModel m = optimizer.GetModel();

        double totalDemand = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c)
            totalDemand += demandsData[c];
        int minNbTrucks = (int)Math.Ceiling(totalDemand / truckCapacity);
        nbTrucks = (int)Math.Ceiling(1.5 * minNbTrucks);

        routesSequences = new HxExpression[nbTrucks];

        // A route is represented as a list containing the points in the order they are visited
        for (int r = 0; r < nbTrucks; ++r)
            routesSequences[r] = m.List(nbPoints);

        HxExpression routes = m.Array(routesSequences);

        // Each point must be visited at most once

        HxExpression demands = m.Array(demandsData);
        HxExpression distMatrix = m.Array(distMatrixData);
        HxExpression distDepots = m.Array(distDepotsData);
        HxExpression assignmentCosts = m.Array(assignmentCostsData);

        HxExpression[] distRoutes = new HxExpression[nbTrucks];
        HxExpression[] assignmentCostRoutes = new HxExpression[nbTrucks];

        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c)
            int startFacilities = nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities;
            int endFacilities = startFacilities + nbFacilities;

            // Each customer is either contained in a route or assigned to a facility
            HxExpression facilityUsedSum = m.Sum();
            for (int f = startFacilities; f < endFacilities; ++f)
                facilityUsedSum.AddOperand(m.Contains(routes, f));
            m.Constraint(m.Contains(routes, c) + facilityUsedSum == 1);

        for (int r = 0; r < nbTrucks; ++r)
            HxExpression route = routesSequences[r];
            HxExpression c = m.Count(route);

            // Each truck cannot carry more than its capacity
            HxExpression demandLambda = m.LambdaFunction(j => m.At(demands, j));
            HxExpression quantityServed = m.Sum(route, demandLambda);
            m.Constraint(quantityServed <= truckCapacity);

            HxExpression distLambda = m.LambdaFunction(i => m.At(distMatrix, m.At(route, i), m.At(route, i + 1)));

            // Truck is used if it visits at least one point
            HxExpression truckUsed = c > 0;

            // Distance traveled by each truck
            distRoutes[r] = m.Sum(m.Range(0, c - 1), distLambda) +
                    m.At(distDepots, m.At(route, 0)) +
                            m.At(distDepots, m.At(route, c - 1)),

            // The cost to assign customers to their facility
            HxExpression assignmentCostLambda = m.LambdaFunction(i => m.At(assignmentCosts, i));
            assignmentCostRoutes[r] = m.Sum(route, assignmentCostLambda);

        // The total distance travelled
        totalDistanceCost = m.Sum(distRoutes);
        // The total assignement cost
        totalAssignementCost = m.Sum(assignmentCostRoutes);

        // Objective: minimize the sum of the total distance travelled and the total assignement cost
        totalCost = totalDistanceCost + totalAssignementCost;



    /* Read instance data */
    void ReadInstance(string fileName)
        using (StreamReader input = new StreamReader(fileName))
            string[] line;
            line = ReadNextLine(input);
            nbCustomers = int.Parse(line[0]);
            xCustomers = new int[nbCustomers];
            yCustomers = new int[nbCustomers];

            line = ReadNextLine(input);
            nbFacilities = int.Parse(line[0]);
            xFacilities = new int[nbFacilities];
            yFacilities = new int[nbFacilities];

            // A point is either a customer or a facility
            // Facilities are duplicated for each customer
            nbPoints = nbCustomers + nbCustomers * nbFacilities;
            distMatrixData = new long[nbPoints][];
            distDepotsData = new long[nbPoints];
            demandsData = new int[nbPoints];

            line = ReadNextLine(input);
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f)
                line = ReadNextLine(input);
                xFacilities[f] = int.Parse(line[0]);
                yFacilities[f] = int.Parse(line[1]);
            line = ReadNextLine(input);
            for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c)
                line = ReadNextLine(input);
                xCustomers[c] = int.Parse(line[0]);
                yCustomers[c] = int.Parse(line[1]);
            line = ReadNextLine(input);
            line = ReadNextLine(input);
            truckCapacity = int.Parse(line[0]);
            line = ReadNextLine(input);

            // Facility capacities : skip
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f)
            line = ReadNextLine(input);
            for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c)
                line = ReadNextLine(input);
                demandsData[c] = int.Parse(line[0]);
                for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; f++)
                    demandsData[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] = demandsData[c];
            line = ReadNextLine(input);


    void ComputeDepotCoordinates()
        // Compute the coordinates of the bounding box containing all of the points
        int xMin = Math.Min(xCustomers.Min(), xFacilities.Min());
        int xMax = Math.Max(xCustomers.Max(), xFacilities.Max());
        int yMin = Math.Min(yCustomers.Min(), yFacilities.Min());
        int yMax = Math.Max(yCustomers.Max(), yFacilities.Max());

        // We assume that the depot is at the center of the bounding box
        xDepot = xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2;
        yDepot = yMin + (yMax - yMin) / 2;

    void ComputeDistanceArrays()
        distDepotsData = new long[nbPoints];

        // Customer to depot
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c)
            distDepotsData[c] = ComputeDist(xCustomers[c], xDepot, yCustomers[c], yDepot);

        // Facility to depot
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c)
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f)
                distDepotsData[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] = ComputeDist(xFacilities[f], xDepot, yFacilities[f], yDepot);

        distMatrixData = new long[nbPoints][];
        for (int i = 0; i < nbPoints; i++)
            distMatrixData[i] = new long[nbPoints];

        // Distances between customers
        for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nbCustomers; ++c1)
            for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nbCustomers; ++c2)
                long dist = ComputeDist(xCustomers[c1], xCustomers[c2], yCustomers[c1], yCustomers[c2]);
                distMatrixData[c1][c2] = dist;
                distMatrixData[c2][c1] = dist;

        // Distances between customers and facilities
        for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nbCustomers; ++c1)
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f)
                long dist = ComputeDist(xFacilities[f], xCustomers[c1], yFacilities[f], yCustomers[c1]);
                for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nbCustomers; ++c2)
                    // Index representing serving c2 through facility f
                    int facilityIndex = nbCustomers + c2 * nbFacilities + f;
                    distMatrixData[facilityIndex][c1] = dist;
                    distMatrixData[c1][facilityIndex] = dist;
        // Distances between facilities
        for (int f1 = 0; f1 < nbFacilities; ++f1)
            for (int f2 = 0; f2 < nbFacilities; ++f2)
                long dist = ComputeDist(xFacilities[f1], xFacilities[f2], yFacilities[f1], yFacilities[f2]);
                for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nbCustomers; ++c1)
                    // Index representing serving c1 through facility f1
                    int index1 = nbCustomers + c1 * nbFacilities + f1;
                    for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nbCustomers; ++c2)
                        // Index representing serving c2 through facility f2
                        int index2 = nbCustomers + c2 * nbFacilities + f2;
                        distMatrixData[index1][index2] = dist;

    private long ComputeDist(int xi, int xj, int yi, int yj)
        double exactDist = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xi - xj, 2) + Math.Pow(yi - yj, 2));
        return Convert.ToInt64(Math.Round(exactDist));

    private void ComputeAssignmentCosts() {
        // Compute assignment cost for each point
        assignmentCostsData = new long[nbPoints];
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c)
            assignmentCostsData[c] = 0;
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f)
                // Cost of serving customer c through facility f
                assignmentCostsData[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] =
                    distMatrixData[c][nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f];

    /* Write the solution in a file */
    void WriteSolution(string infile, string outfile)
        using (StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(outfile))
                "File name: " + infile + "; totalCost = " + totalCost.GetIntValue()
                + "; totalDistance = " + totalDistanceCost.GetIntValue()
                + "; totalAssignementCost = " + totalAssignementCost.GetIntValue()
            for (int r = 0; r < nbTrucks; ++r)
                HxCollection route = routesSequences[r].GetCollectionValue();
                if (route.Count() == 0) continue;
                output.Write("Route " + r + " [");
                for (int i = 0; i < route.Count(); i++)
                    long point = route.Get(i);
                    if (point < nbCustomers)
                        output.Write("Customer " + point);
                        output.Write("Facility " + point % nbCustomers + " assigned to Customer " + (point - nbCustomers) / nbFacilities);
                    if (i < route.Count() - 1)
                        output.Write(", ");

    String[] ReadNextLine(StreamReader input)
        return input.ReadLine().Split(new[] { '\t' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length < 1)
            Console.WriteLine("Usage: Vrptf inputFile [outputFile] [timeLimit]");
        string instanceFile = args[0];
        string strOutput = args.Length > 1 ? args[1] : null;
        string strTimeLimit = args.Length > 2 ? args[2] : "20";

        using (Vrptf model = new Vrptf())
            if (strOutput != null)
                model.WriteSolution(instanceFile, strOutput);
Compilation / Execution (Windows)
javac Vrptf.java -cp %HX_HOME%\bin\hexaly.jar
java -cp %HX_HOME%\bin\hexaly.jar;. Vrptf instances\coord20-5-1.dat
Compilation/Execution (Linux)
javac Vrptf.java -cp /opt/hexaly_13_5/bin/hexaly.jar
java -cp /opt/hexaly_13_5/bin/hexaly.jar:. Vrptf instances/coord20-5-1.dat
import com.hexaly.optimizer.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Scanner;

public class Vrptf {
    // Hexaly Optimizer
    private final HexalyOptimizer optimizer;

    // Number of customers
    private int nbCustomers;

    // Customers coordinates
    private int[] xCustomers;
    private int[] yCustomers;

    // Customers demands
    private int[] demandsData;

    // Number of facilities
    private int nbFacilities;

    // Facilities coordinates
    private int[] xFacilities;
    private int[] yFacilities;

    // Number of points
    private int nbPoints;

    // Depot coordinates
    private int xDepot;
    private int yDepot;

    // Number of trucks
    private int nbTrucks;

    // Capacity of trucks
    private int truckCapacity;

    // Distance matrix
    private long[][] distMatrixData;

    // Distance to depot array
    private long[] distDepotsData;

    // Assignement costs
    private long[] assignmentCostsData;

    // Decision variables
    private HxExpression[] routesSequences;

    // Objective value
    private HxExpression totalDistanceCost;
    private HxExpression totalAssignementCost;
    private HxExpression totalCost;

    private Vrptf(HexalyOptimizer optimizer) {
        this.optimizer = optimizer;

    private void solve(int limit) {
        // Declare the optimization model
        HxModel m = optimizer.getModel();

        double totalDemand = 0;
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            totalDemand += demandsData[c];
        int minNbTrucks = (int) Math.ceil(totalDemand / truckCapacity);
        nbTrucks = (int) Math.ceil(1.5 * minNbTrucks);

        routesSequences = new HxExpression[nbTrucks];

        // A route is represented as a list containing the points in the order they are
        // visited
        for (int i = 0; i < nbTrucks; ++i) {
            routesSequences[i] = m.listVar(nbPoints);

        HxExpression routes = m.array(routesSequences);

        // Each point must be visited at most once

        HxExpression demands = m.array(demandsData);
        HxExpression distMatrix = m.array(distMatrixData);
        HxExpression distDepots = m.array(distDepotsData);
        HxExpression assignmentCosts = m.array(assignmentCostsData);

        HxExpression[] distRoutes = new HxExpression[nbTrucks];
        HxExpression[] assignmentCostRoutes = new HxExpression[nbTrucks];

        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            int startFacilities = nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities;
            int endFacilities = startFacilities + nbFacilities;

            // Each customer is either contained in a route or assigned to a facility
            HxExpression facilityUsedSum = m.sum();
            for (int f = startFacilities; f < endFacilities; ++f) {
                facilityUsedSum.addOperand(m.contains(routes, f));
            m.constraint(m.eq(m.sum(m.contains(routes, c), facilityUsedSum), 1));

        for (int r = 0; r < nbTrucks; ++r) {
            HxExpression route = routesSequences[r];
            HxExpression c = m.count(route);

            // Each truck cannot carry more than its capacity
            HxExpression demandLambda = m.lambdaFunction(j -> m.at(demands, j));
            HxExpression quantityServed = m.sum(route, demandLambda);
            m.constraint(m.leq(quantityServed, truckCapacity));

            HxExpression distLambda = m
                    .lambdaFunction(i -> m.at(distMatrix, m.at(route, i), m.at(route, m.sum(i, 1))));

            // Truck is used if it visits at least one point
            HxExpression truckUsed = m.gt(c, 0);

            // Distance traveled by each truck
            distRoutes[r] = m.sum(
                    m.sum(m.range(0, m.sub(c, 1)), distLambda),
                            m.sum(m.at(distDepots, m.at(route, 0)),
                                    m.at(distDepots, m.at(route, m.sub(c, 1)))),

            // The cost to assign customers to their facility
            HxExpression assignmentCostLambda = m.lambdaFunction(i -> m.at(assignmentCosts, i));
            assignmentCostRoutes[r] = m.sum(route, assignmentCostLambda);

        // The total distance travelled
        totalDistanceCost = m.sum(distRoutes);
        // The total assignement cost
        totalAssignementCost = m.sum(assignmentCostRoutes);

        // Objective: minimize the sum of the total distance travelled and the total
        // assignement cost
        totalCost = m.sum(totalDistanceCost, totalAssignementCost);


    /* Write the solution to a file */
    private void writeSolution(String infile, String outfile) throws IOException {
        try (PrintWriter output = new PrintWriter(outfile)) {
            output.println("File name: " + infile + "; totalCost = " + totalCost.getIntValue() + "; totalDistance = "
                    + totalDistanceCost.getIntValue() + "; totalAssignementCost = "
                    + totalAssignementCost.getIntValue());
            for (int r = 0; r < nbTrucks; ++r) {
                HxCollection route = routesSequences[r].getCollectionValue();
                if (route.count() == 0)
                output.print("Route " + r + " [");
                for (int i = 0; i < route.count(); i++) {
                    long point = route.get(i);
                    if (point < nbCustomers) {
                        output.print("Customer " + point);
                    } else {
                        output.print("Facility " + point % nbCustomers + " assigned to Customer "
                                + (point - nbCustomers) / nbFacilities);
                    if (i < route.count() - 1) {
                        output.print(", ");
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("An error occurred.");

    private void readInstance(String fileName) throws IOException {
        try (Scanner infile = new Scanner(new File(fileName))) {
            nbCustomers = infile.nextInt();
            nbFacilities = infile.nextInt();
            // A point is either a customer or a facility
            // Facilities are duplicated for each customer
            nbPoints = nbCustomers + nbCustomers * nbFacilities;

            xFacilities = new int[nbFacilities];
            yFacilities = new int[nbFacilities];
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
                xFacilities[f] = infile.nextInt();
                yFacilities[f] = infile.nextInt();

            xCustomers = new int[nbCustomers];
            yCustomers = new int[nbCustomers];
            for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
                xCustomers[c] = infile.nextInt();
                yCustomers[c] = infile.nextInt();

            truckCapacity = infile.nextInt();

            // Facility capacities : skip
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {

            demandsData = new int[nbPoints];
            for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
                demandsData[c] = infile.nextInt();
                for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
                    demandsData[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] = demandsData[c];

        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
            System.out.println("An error occurred.");

    void computeDepotCoordinates() {
        // Compute the coordinates of the bounding box containing all of the points
        int xMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int xMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        int yMin = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        int yMax = Integer.MIN_VALUE;

        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            xMin = Math.min(xMin, xCustomers[c]);
        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            xMin = Math.min(xMin, xFacilities[f]);
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            xMax = Math.max(xMax, xCustomers[c]);
        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            xMax = Math.max(xMax, xFacilities[f]);
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            yMin = Math.min(yMin, yCustomers[c]);
        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            yMin = Math.min(yMin, yFacilities[f]);
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            yMax = Math.max(yMax, yCustomers[c]);
        for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
            yMax = Math.max(yMax, yFacilities[f]);

        // We assume that the depot is at the center of the bounding box
        xDepot = xMin + (xMax - xMin) / 2;
        yDepot = yMin + (yMax - yMin) / 2;

    void computeDistances() {
        distDepotsData = new long[nbPoints];

        // Customer to depot
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            distDepotsData[c] = computeDist(xCustomers[c], xDepot, yCustomers[c], yDepot);

        // Facility to depot
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
                distDepotsData[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] = computeDist(xFacilities[f], xDepot, yFacilities[f],

        distMatrixData = new long[nbPoints][];
        for (int i = 0; i < nbPoints; i++) {
            distMatrixData[i] = new long[nbPoints];

        // Distances between customers
        for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nbCustomers; ++c1) {
            for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nbCustomers; ++c2) {
                long dist = computeDist(xCustomers[c1], xCustomers[c2], yCustomers[c1], yCustomers[c2]);
                distMatrixData[c1][c2] = dist;
                distMatrixData[c2][c1] = dist;

        // Distances between customers and facilities
        for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nbCustomers; ++c1) {
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
                long dist = computeDist(xFacilities[f], xCustomers[c1], yFacilities[f], yCustomers[c1]);
                for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nbCustomers; ++c2) {
                     // Index representing serving c2 through facility f
                    int facilityIndex = nbCustomers + c2 * nbFacilities + f;
                    distMatrixData[facilityIndex][c1] = dist;
                    distMatrixData[c1][facilityIndex] = dist;

        // Distances between facilities
        for (int f1 = 0; f1 < nbFacilities; ++f1) {
            for (int f2 = 0; f2 < nbFacilities; ++f2) {
                long dist = computeDist(xFacilities[f1], xFacilities[f2], yFacilities[f1], yFacilities[f2]);
                for (int c1 = 0; c1 < nbCustomers; ++c1) {
                    // Index representing serving c1 through facility f1
                    int index1 = nbCustomers + c1 * nbFacilities + f1;
                    for (int c2 = 0; c2 < nbCustomers; ++c2) {
                        // Index representing serving c2 through facility f2
                        int index2 = nbCustomers + c2 * nbFacilities + f2;
                        distMatrixData[index1][index2] = dist;

    void computeAssignmentCosts() {
        // Compute assignment cost for each point
        assignmentCostsData = new long[nbPoints];
        for (int c = 0; c < nbCustomers; ++c) {
            assignmentCostsData[c] = 0;
            for (int f = 0; f < nbFacilities; ++f) {
                // Cost of serving customer c through facility f
                assignmentCostsData[nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f] =
                    distMatrixData[c][nbCustomers + c * nbFacilities + f];

    private long computeDist(int xi, int xj, int yi, int yj) {
        double exactDist = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(xi - xj, 2) + Math.pow(yi - yj, 2));
        return Math.round(exactDist);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        if (args.length < 1) {
            System.err.println("Usage: java vrptf inputFile [outputFile] [timeLimit]");

        try (HexalyOptimizer optimizer = new HexalyOptimizer()) {
            String instanceFile = args[0];
            String strOutfile = args.length > 1 ? args[1] : null;
            String strTimeLimit = args.length > 2 ? args[2] : "20";

            Vrptf model = new Vrptf(optimizer);
            if (strOutfile != null)
                model.writeSolution(instanceFile, strOutfile);
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ex);