HxmType Enumeration

enum HxmType

Modeler types available in this API.

enumerator HT_Nil

Nil is the equivalent of NULL in C++. The single value of this type is accessed through the keyword nil in Hexaly Modeler. It is used to signify the absence of a value. Nil is the default returned value for functions that don’t explicitly return anything. It’s also the default value assigned by the modeler to every global and local variable.

enumerator HT_Int

Integers are positive and negative integral numbers stored on 64 bits. They are created by integer literals or returned as results of arithmetic operations.

enumerator HT_Double

Double precision floating point numbers (stored on 64 bits) in IEEE 754 binary floating point representation. They are created by floating point literals or returned as results of arithmetic operations.

enumerator HT_String

A string is an immutable sequence of unicode characters stored in UTF-8 format.

enumerator HT_Expression

HxExpressions are the variables and the expressions of the mathematical model defined by the modeling program or directly in the Hexaly Optimizer API.

enumerator HT_Function

Function of the modeler. The modeler treats functions as first-class citizens. In other words, a function is a value with a particular type. Thus, functions can be passed as arguments to other functions, can be assigned to variables or returned by other functions.

A function can be written using the Hexaly modeling language (user-defined function) or can be a function written in C++ and exposed to the modeler.

enumerator HT_Map

Maps are data structure matching some values to some keys. This is the main data structure in the modeler that can also be used as an array-like structure.

enumerator HT_Module

A module is a collection of global variables. Modules are used to group functions together and import them dynamically at runtime. The I/O library is an example of a module. Each HXM file is a module.

enumerator HT_Class

Classes are used to group together data and functions. They are the templates used to create objects. In the modeler, all values that are not integers, doubles or the special value nil are objects. Each object has an associated class (which is itself an object).

enumerator HT_Other

Any other value used in the modeler but not exposed in this API (dates, files or streams for example).