Example tour
For all the optimization problems below you will find the corresponding
models written using Hexaly Modeler, Python, C++, C# and Java.
The number of stars represents the complexity of each example. You can use the
filter buttons to see the examples related to each type of optimization problem.
Feel free to contact us if you
encounter any difficulty with these examples or with the modeling of your
optimization problems.
Curve Fitting
Facility Location (FLP)
Smallest Circle
Traveling Salesman (TSP)
Branin Function
Max Cut
Hosaki Function
Order Picking
Car Sequencing
Car Sequencing Color
Social Golfer
Steel Mill Slab Design
Bin Packing (BPP)
Capacitated Facility Location (CFLP)
Optimal Bucket
Portfolio Selection Optimization Problem
Capacitated Vehicle Routing (CVRP)
Capacitated Arc Routing (CARP)
K-Means Clustering (MSSC)
Quadratic Assignment (QAP)
Assembly Line Balancing (SALBP)
Flow Shop
Job Shop (JSP)
Job Shop with Intensity
Flexible Job Shop (FJSP)
Flexible Job Shop with Setup Times
Flexible Job Shop with Machine-Dependent Changeover Times
Open Shop
Stochastic Packing
Stochastic Job Shop Scheduling Problem
Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
Preemptive Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
Flexible Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem
Project Scheduling with Production and Consumption of Resources
Batch Scheduling
Vehicle Routing with Time Windows (CVRPTW)
Pickup and Delivery with Time Windows (PDPTW)
Dial-A-Ride Problem (DARP)
Clustered Vehicle Routing (cluVRP)
Inventory Routing (IRP)
Split Delivery Vehicle Routing (SDVRP)
Time Dependent Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (TDCVRPTW)
Multi Trip Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem (MTCVRP)
Multi Depot Vehicle Routing Problem (MDVRP)
Location Routing Problem (LRP)
Vehicle Routing Problem with Transhipment Facilities (VRPTF)
Prize Collecting Vehicle Routing Problem (PCVRP)
Vehicle Routing Backhauls (VRPB)
Aircraft Landing
Movie Shoot Scheduling
Revenue Management
Cantilevered Beam