This page is for an old version of Hexaly Optimizer.
We recommend that you update your version and read the documentation for the
latest stable release.
HxSolutionStatus Enumeration¶
enum HxSolutionStatus¶
Solution status: Optimal, Feasible, Infeasible or Inconsistent.
enumerator SS_Inconsistent¶
Solution and model are inconsistent. The optimizer was able to prove that the model admits no feasible solution. Note that even a model without any constraint can be inconsistent, because some computations can yield undefined results. For instance, computing,
with negative x yields an undefined value, which causes the solution to be invalid if it is used in an objective or a constraint (directly or indirectly).
enumerator SS_Infeasible¶
Solution is infeasible (some constraints are violated).
enumerator SS_Feasible¶
Solution is feasible but optimality was not proven.
enumerator SS_Optimal¶
Solution is optimal (all objective bounds are reached).