using System;
using System.IO;
using localsolver;
public class SocialGolfer : IDisposable
// Number of groups
int nbGroups;
// Size of each group
int groupSize;
// Number of week
int nbWeeks;
// Number of golfers
int nbGolfers;
// LocalSolver
LocalSolver localsolver;
// Objective
LSExpression obj;
// Decisions variables
LSExpression[,,] x;
public SocialGolfer()
localsolver = new LocalSolver();
/* Read instance data */
public void ReadInstance(string fileName)
using (StreamReader input = new StreamReader(fileName))
var tokens = input.ReadLine().Split(' ');
nbGroups = int.Parse(tokens[0]);
groupSize = int.Parse(tokens[1]);
nbWeeks = int.Parse(tokens[2]);
nbGolfers = nbGroups * groupSize;
public void Dispose()
if (localsolver != null)
// Declare the optimization model
public void Solve(int limit)
LSModel model = localsolver.GetModel();
// Decision variables
// 0-1 decisions variables: x[w,gr,gf]=1 if golfer gf is in group gr on week w
x = new LSExpression[nbWeeks, nbGroups, nbGolfers];
for (int w = 0; w < nbWeeks; ++w)
for (int gr = 0; gr < nbGroups; ++gr)
for (int gf = 0; gf < nbGolfers; ++gf)
x[w, gr, gf] = model.Bool();
// Each week, each golfer is assigned to exactly one group
for (int w = 0; w < nbWeeks; ++w)
for (int gf = 0; gf < nbGolfers; ++gf)
LSExpression nbGroupsAssigned = model.Sum();
for (int gr = 0; gr < nbGroups; ++gr)
nbGroupsAssigned.AddOperand(x[w, gr, gf]);
model.Constraint(nbGroupsAssigned == 1);
// Each week, each group contains exactly groupSize golfers
for (int w = 0; w < nbWeeks; ++w)
for (int gr = 0; gr < nbGroups; ++gr)
LSExpression nbGolfersInGroup = model.Sum();
for (int gf = 0; gf < nbGolfers; ++gf)
nbGolfersInGroup.AddOperand(x[w, gr, gf]);
model.Constraint(nbGolfersInGroup == groupSize);
// Golfers gf0 and gf1 meet in group gr on week w if both are
// assigned to this group for week w
LSExpression[,,,] meetings = new LSExpression[nbWeeks, nbGroups, nbGolfers, nbGolfers];
for (int w = 0; w < nbWeeks; ++w)
for (int gr = 0; gr < nbGroups; ++gr)
for (int gf0 = 0; gf0 < nbGolfers; ++gf0)
for (int gf1 = gf0 + 1; gf1 < nbGolfers; ++gf1)
meetings[w, gr, gf0, gf1] = model.And(x[w, gr, gf0], x[w, gr, gf1]);
// The number of meetings of golfers gf0 and gf1 is the sum
// of their meeting variables over all weeks and groups
LSExpression[,] redundantMeetings = new LSExpression[nbGolfers, nbGolfers];
for (int gf0 = 0; gf0 < nbGolfers; ++gf0)
for (int gf1 = gf0 + 1; gf1 < nbGolfers; ++gf1)
LSExpression nbMeetings = model.Sum();
for (int w = 0; w < nbWeeks; ++w)
for (int gr = 0; gr < nbGroups; ++gr)
nbMeetings.AddOperand(meetings[w, gr, gf0, gf1]);
redundantMeetings[gf0, gf1] = model.Max(nbMeetings - 1, 0);
// The goal is to minimize the number of redundant meetings
obj = model.Sum();
for (int gf0 = 0; gf0 < nbGolfers; ++gf0)
for (int gf1 = gf0 + 1; gf1 < nbGolfers; ++gf1)
obj.AddOperand(redundantMeetings[gf0, gf1]);
// Parametrize the solver
/* Write the solution in a file with the following format:
* - the objective value
* - for each week and each group, write the golfers of the group
* (nbWeeks x nbGroupes lines of groupSize numbers). */
public void WriteSolution(string fileName)
using (StreamWriter output = new StreamWriter(fileName))
for (int w = 0; w < nbWeeks; ++w)
for (int gr = 0; gr < nbGroups; ++gr)
for (int gf = 0; gf < nbGolfers; ++gf)
if (x[w, gr, gf].GetValue() == 1)
output.Write(gf + " ");
public static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 1)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: SocialGolfer inputFile [solFile] [timeLimit]");
string instanceFile = args[0];
string outputFile = args.Length > 1 ? args[1] : null;
string strTimeLimit = args.Length > 2 ? args[2] : "10";
using (SocialGolfer model = new SocialGolfer())
if (outputFile != null)
Social Golfer¶
Principles learned¶
Create a generic model that uses data
Use of n-ary operator “and”
In a golf club, there are 32 social golfers, each of whom plays golf once a week, and always in groups of 4. The problem is to build a schedule of play for 10 weeks with maximum socialisation; that is, as few repeated meetings as possible. More generally the problem is to schedule m groups of n golfers over p weeks, with maximum socialisation. The complexity of the problem is unknown. The instance mentioned has a known solution with no repeated meeting. For more details see CSPLib or MathPuzzle.
Download the exampleData¶
Each data file is made of only three numbers:
the number of groups
the size of groups
the number of weeks
The decisions variables are binaries
, equal to 1 if golfer gf is in group gr on week w. Then, the number of meetings between each pair of golfers is computed innbMeetings[gf0][gf1]
. Finally the number of redundant meetings for a pair of golfers ismax(0,nbMeetings[gf0][gf1]-1)