Mathematical modeling features¶
Decision variables¶
LocalSolver makes a clear distinction between decision variables and intermediate expressions. A decision variable is a variable that cannot be deduced or computed from other variables or expressions. The question to ask when you use LocalSolver is What are the most atomic decisions I want to take?
This aspect can be a bit disturbing compared to other optimization techniques
such as linear programming or constraint programming but it is really important
for the performance of the underlying algorithms. For example,
in a knapsack problem, the only decisions are the
boolean variables
equal to 1 if the object i
is in the bag or 0 otherwise.
On the opposite, the total weight of elements in the bag, defined as
sum[i in 0...nbItems](values[i] * x[i])
is a typical intermediate
expression: its value can be deduced from decision variables.
There are five kinds of decisions in LocalSolver: booleans, floating quantities, integer quantities, set variables and list variables.
Boolean decisions¶
Boolean decisions can take two values 0 or 1. They are declared using the
built-in function bool()
that returns a new binary decision. Booleans
enables you to model any problem where a binary decision is involved (such as
the knapsack problem). Most of combinatorial optimization problems (assignment,
allocation, packing, covering, partitioning, routing, scheduling, etc.) can be
simply expressed as pure 0-1 models.
To have an idea of what it is possible with boolean decisions, have a look at our Example tour.
Floating-point decisions¶
Floating-point decisions are used to model continuous quantitative decisions
taking values in a given range. They are declared using the built-in function
that returns a floating-point decision with range [a,b].
The largest range of a floating-point decision is defined by the
IEEE 754 double-precision floating-point format,
which is roughly [-10^307, 10^307].
Integer decisions¶
In a similar way, integer decisions are used to model integer quantitative
decisions taking values in a given range. They are declared using the built-in
function int(a,b)
that returns an integer decision with range [a,b].
The largest range of an integer decision is [-2^63+1, 2^63-1], which is roughly
[-10^18, 10^18].
Set and list decisions¶
Set and list decisions allow defining decision variables whose value is a
collection of integers within a domain [0, n-1]
where n is the unique
operand of the operator. See our documentation
on collection variables for details.
Interval decisions¶
Interval decisions are used to model the time range of an event. They are
declared using the built-in function interval(minStart, maxEnd)
, where the
bounds are integers representing the minimum start and the maximum end of the
decision. The start is inclusive and the end is exclusive.
A constraint is a kind of tag put on an expression that enforces it to be
true (equal to 1). In LocalSolver, any variable or intermediate expression that has a
boolean value (0, 1) can be constrained. Thus, ‘’all’’ expressions involving
relational operators (<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=
) but also logical and (&&)
or (||)
, xor
or immediate if (iif)
can be constrained without
limitation on the type of the problem. In particular, LocalSolver is not
limited to linear constraints but can also handle highly-nonlinear models.
To tag an expression as a constraint in the modeler, simply prefix it by the
keyword constraint
// These two formulations are equivalent
constraint knapsackWeight <= 102;
weightCst <- knaspackWeight <= 102;
constraint weightCst;
# These two formulations are equivalent
model.constraint(knapsackWeight <= 102)
weightCst = knaspackWeight <= 102
// These two formulations are equivalent
model.constraint(knapsackWeight <= 102);
weightCst = knaspackWeight <= 102;
// These two formulations are equivalent
model.Constraint(knapsackWeight <= 102);
weightCst = knaspackWeight <= 102;
// These two formulations are equivalent
model.constraint(knapsackWeight <= 102);
weightCst = model.leq(knaspackWeight, 102);
A good practice in operations research is to only model as constraints requirements that are strictly necessary. If a requirement may be violated in some exceptional cases then it is better modeled as a primary objectives in order to be “softly” satisfied (goal programming). LocalSolver offers a feature making this easy to do: lexicographic objectives.
At least one objective must be defined using the keyword minimize
. Any expression can be used as objective. If several objectives are
defined, they are interpreted as a lexicographic objective function.
The lexicographic ordering is induced by the order in which objectives are
declared. In this way, expressions frequently encoutered in math programming
models like:
maximize 10000 revenues - 100 resources + desiderata;
in order to first maximize revenues, then minimize resources, and ultimately maximize desiderata can be avoided. Indeed, you can directly write
maximize revenues;
minimize resources;
maximize desiderata;
Table of available operators and functions¶
In the table below, each operator is identified with its name in the LSP language. Note that in Python, C++, C# or Java these names may slightly differ in order to respect coding conventions and reserved keywords of each language:
In C++ and Java, decisions are suffixed with “Var” (boolVar, floatVar, intVar, setVar and listVar)
in C# all functions start with a capital letter
Function |
Description |
Arguments type |
Result type |
Arity |
Symb |
Decisional |
bool |
Boolean decision variable with domain {0,1} |
none |
bool |
0 |
float |
Float decision variable with domain [a, b] |
2 doubles |
double |
2 |
int |
Integer decision variable with domain [a, b] |
2 integers |
int |
2 |
interval |
Interval decision variable with domain [minStart, maxEnd) |
2 integers |
interval |
2 |
list |
Ordered collection of integers within a range [0, n - 1] |
1 integer |
collection |
1 |
set |
Unordered collection of integers within a range [0, n - 1] |
1 integer |
collection |
1 |
Arithmetic |
sum |
Sum of all operands |
bool, int, double |
int, double |
n >= 0 |
+ |
sub |
Substraction of the first operand by the second one |
bool, int, double |
int, double |
2 |
- |
prod |
Product of all operands |
bool, int, double |
int, double |
n >= 0 |
* |
min |
Minimum of all operands |
bool, int, double |
int, double |
n > 0 |
max |
Maximum of all operands |
bool, int, double |
int, double |
n > 0 |
div |
Division of the first operand by the second one |
bool, int, double |
double |
2 |
/ |
mod |
Modulo: mod(a, b) = r such that a = q * b + r with q, r integers and r < b. |
bool, int |
int |
2 |
% |
abs |
Absolute value: abs(e) = e if e >= 0, and -e otherwise |
bool, int, double |
int, double |
1 |
dist |
Distance: dist(a, b) = abs(a - b) |
bool, int, double |
int, double |
2 |
sqrt |
Square root |
bool, int, double |
double |
1 |
cos |
Cosine |
bool, int, double |
double |
1 |
sin |
Sine |
bool, int, double |
double |
1 |
tan |
Tangent |
bool, int, double |
double |
1 |
log |
Natural logarithm |
bool, int, double |
double |
1 |
exp |
Exponential function |
bool, int, double |
double |
1 |
pow |
Power: pow(a, b) is equal to the value of a raised to the power of b. |
bool, int, double |
double |
2 |
ceil |
Ceil: round to the smallest following integer |
bool, int, double |
int |
1 |
floor |
Floor: round to the largest previous integer |
bool, int, double |
int |
1 |
round |
Round to the nearest integer: round(x) = floor(x + 0.5). |
bool, int, double |
int |
1 |
scalar |
Scalar product between 2 arrays. |
array |
int, double |
2 |
piecewise |
Piecewise linear function product between 2 arrays. |
array, int, double |
double |
3 |
Logical |
not |
Not: not(e) = 1 - e. |
bool |
bool |
1 |
! |
and |
And: equal to 1 if all operands are 1, and 0 otherwise |
bool |
bool |
n >= 0 |
&& |
or |
Or: equal to 0 if all operands are 0, and 1 otherwise |
bool |
bool |
n >= 0 |
|| |
xor |
Exclusive or: equal to 0 if the number of operands with value 1 is even, and 1 otherwise |
bool |
bool |
n >= 0 |
Relational |
eq |
Equal to: eq(a, b) = 1 if a = b, and 0 otherwise |
bool, int, double |
bool |
2 |
== |
neq |
Not equal to: neq(a, b) = 1 if a != b, and 0 otherwise |
bool, int, double |
bool |
2 |
!= |
geq |
Greater than or equal to: geq(a, b) = 1 if a >= b, 0 otherwise |
bool, int, double |
bool |
2 |
>= |
leq |
Lower than or equal to leq(a, b) = 1 if a <= b, 0 otherwise |
bool, int, double |
bool |
2 |
<= |
gt |
Strictly greater than: gt(a, b) = 1 if a > b, and 0 otherwise. In case of intervals: gt(a, b) = 1 if start(a) >= end(b), and 0 otherwise. |
bool, int, double, interval |
bool |
2 |
> |
lt |
Strictly lower than: lt(a, b) = 1 if a < b, and 0 otherwise. In case of intervals: lt(a, b) = 1 if end(a) <= start(b), and 0 otherwise. |
bool, int, double, interval |
bool |
2 |
< |
Conditional |
iif |
Ternary operator: iif(a, b, c) = b if a is equal to 1, and c otherwise |
bool, int, double |
bool, int, double |
3 |
?: |
Set related |
count |
Returns the number of elements in a collection. |
collection, interval, array |
int |
1 |
indexOf |
Returns the index of a value in a collection or -1 if the value is not present. |
collection, int |
int |
2 |
contains |
Returns 1 if the collection contains the given value or 0 otherwise. |
collection or interval, int |
bool |
2 |
partition |
Returns true if all the operands form a partition of their common domain. |
collection |
bool |
n > 0 |
disjoint |
Returns true if all the operands are pairwise disjoint. |
collection |
bool |
n > 0 |
cover |
Returns true if all the operands form a cover of their common domain. |
collection |
bool |
n > 0 |
array |
Creates an array of fixed or variadic size. |
bool, int, double, array, list, set |
array |
n >= 0 |
at |
Returns the value in an array or a list at a specified position. |
array, list, int |
bool, int, double |
n >= 2 |
[] |
find |
Returns the position of the collection containing the given element in the array. |
array, int |
int |
2 |
sort |
Returns the array sorted in ascending order. When used with two arguments, the array is sorted based on the values returned by the lambda. |
array, lambda |
array |
1 or 2 |
Interval related |
start |
Returns the start of a non-void interval. |
interval |
int |
1 |
end |
Returns the end of a non-void interval. |
interval |
int |
1 |
length |
Returns the length of a non-void interval, equivalent to end(interval) - start(interval). |
interval |
int |
1 |
Other |
call |
Call a function. It can be used to implement your own operator. |
bool, int, double |
double |
n > 0 |