This page is for an old version of Hexaly Optimizer. We recommend that you update your version and read the documentation for the latest stable release.

LocalSolver 8.0

Release notes

  • Set variables have been added to the solver. This kind of variable is a powerful and compact way to model packing problems and solve them efficiently. For an example, please have a look at the LocalSolver model for the bin packing problem.

  • This release brings performance improvements for routing and scheduling problems, especially Pickup & Delivery problems.

  • The learning algorithm enabling LocalSolver to automatically tune up its search process has been improved. This leads to improved performance, especially for short resolution times (minutes).

API Changes


  • Added the global function set() to add set variables to a model.


  • Added the method LSModel.set() to create set variables.

  • Added the operator SET.



  • Added the method LSModel.Set() to create set variables.

  • Added the operator Set.


  • Added the method LSModel.setVar() to create set variables.

  • Added the operator Set.