This page is for an old version of Hexaly Optimizer. We recommend that you update your version and read the documentation for the latest stable release.

LSPFunctor Interface


External modeler function interface.

To use your own external functions in the modeler you have to follow these steps:

Note: This class should only be extended to expose functions used during the modeling process. You should not use this class to create a function that will be called during the resolution as a blackbox or external function. In this case, you should instead use the solver API directly (see LSExternalFunction or LSBlackBoxFunction).



call The function to call with its arguments.


virtual LSPValue localsolver::modeler::LSPFunctor::call(LSPModeler &modeler, const LSPValue *arguments, int nbArguments)
= 0

The function to call with its arguments.


Return value of the call.

  • modeler - Modeler instance.
  • arguments - List of modeler values passed to the function by the caller.
  • nbArguments - Number of arguments passed to the function by the caller.