This page is for an old version of Hexaly Optimizer. We recommend that you update your version and read the documentation for the latest stable release.

LSStatistics Class


Statistics of the search.


getRunningTime Gets the running time in seconds.
getNbIterations Gets the number of iterations.
getNbMoves DEPRECATED since 9.
getNbAcceptedMoves DEPRECATED since 9.
getNbImprovingMoves DEPRECATED since 9.
getNbRejectedMoves DEPRECATED since 9.
getNbInfeasibleMoves DEPRECATED since 9.
getPercentAcceptedMoves DEPRECATED since 9.
getPercentImprovingMoves DEPRECATED since 9.
getPercentRejectedMoves DEPRECATED since 9.
getPercentInfeasibleMoves DEPRECATED since 9.
toString Returns a string representation of the statistics.


int localsolver::LSStatistics::getRunningTime()

Gets the running time in seconds.

Note that is the “real” time spent (and not only the CPU or system time). Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Running time in seconds.

long long localsolver::LSStatistics::getNbIterations()

Gets the number of iterations.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Number of iterations.

long long localsolver::LSStatistics::getNbMoves()

DEPRECATED since 9.0: This parameter gives an inaccurate view of LocalSolver search.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Number of (attempted) moves.

long long localsolver::LSStatistics::getNbAcceptedMoves()

DEPRECATED since 9.0: This parameter gives an inaccurate view of LocalSolver search.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Number of accepted moves.

long long localsolver::LSStatistics::getNbImprovingMoves()

DEPRECATED since 9.0: This parameter gives an inaccurate view of LocalSolver search.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Number of improving moves.

long long localsolver::LSStatistics::getNbRejectedMoves()

DEPRECATED since 9.0: This parameter gives an inaccurate view of LocalSolver search.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Number of rejected moves.

long long localsolver::LSStatistics::getNbInfeasibleMoves()

DEPRECATED since 9.0: This parameter gives an inaccurate view of LocalSolver search.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Number of infeasible moves.

double localsolver::LSStatistics::getPercentAcceptedMoves()

DEPRECATED since 9.0: This parameter gives an inaccurate view of LocalSolver search.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Percentage of accepted moves.

double localsolver::LSStatistics::getPercentImprovingMoves()

DEPRECATED since 9.0: This parameter gives an inaccurate view of LocalSolver search.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Percentage of improving moves.

double localsolver::LSStatistics::getPercentRejectedMoves()

DEPRECATED since 9.0: This parameter gives an inaccurate view of LocalSolver search.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Percentage of rejected moves.

double localsolver::LSStatistics::getPercentInfeasibleMoves()

DEPRECATED since 9.0: This parameter gives an inaccurate view of LocalSolver search.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped.

Return:Percentage of infeasible moves.

std::string localsolver::LSStatistics::toString()

Returns a string representation of the statistics.

Only allowed in states S_Paused or S_Stopped. Useful for debugging or logging purposes.

Return:String representation.