Frédéric Senior Optimization Scientist

About Frédéric

Articles written by Frédéric

Benchmark Maintenance Scheduling Problem Hexaly vs Gurobi
Benchmark Energy Workforce Scheduling

Hexaly vs Gurobi on a Maintenance Scheduling Problem May 2, 2022

The ROADEF Challenge is an Operations Research challenge organized by the French Operations Research Society and an industrial partner every two years. The topic of the ROADEF 2020 Challenge was a Maintenance Scheduling Problem arising in the electricity industry. It was posed by RTE, the French transmission system operator. This company is responsible for the…

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Announcement New release: LocalSolver 11.0

New release: LocalSolver 11.0 March 21, 2022

We are pleased to announce the release of LocalSolver 11.0, which comes with many new features and performance improvements. Discover the main novelties coming with this new release. Vehicle Routing problems Vehicle Routing problems have never been solved faster: Production Scheduling problems Sequencing and Scheduling problems up to 10,000 tasks optimized in minutes: Simulation Optimization problems…

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Benchmark Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) Hexaly vs Gurobi
Benchmark Transportation Network Design

Hexaly vs Gurobi on the Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) October 4, 2021

The Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP) consists in assigning facilities to locations. For each pair of locations, a distance is given. For each pair of facilities, a flow is given. This flow corresponds to the number of goods to be transported from one facility to another. The goal is to assign all facilities to locations while minimizing the…

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Announcement LocalSolver Cloud

LocalSolver Cloud August 9, 2021

With the release of LocalSolver 10.5, we are glad to announce the release of a new service, LocalSolver Cloud. It is now easier than ever to leverage the power of cloud computing and get the best results for your optimization problem in the shortest amount of time. This new feature requires no configuration and is provided…

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Tutorial Modeling and Solving Curve Fitting Problems

Modeling and Solving Curve Fitting Problems June 7, 2021

LocalSolver solves combinatorial but also continuous optimization problems. Here we show how Curve Fitting problems can be easily modeled and optimally solved, in seconds, using LocalSolver Optimizer. Curve Fitting consists in constructing a curve that best fits a series of data points. A pair of input and output define each data point. The curve corresponds to…

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Announcement Two New Big Features for LSP Lovers

Two New Big Features for LSP Lovers May 10, 2021

With the release of LocalSolver 10.0, one of the key features we wanted to push forward was integrating LSP programs into full production-ready applications. The JSON module and the Modeler API were both introduced to facilitate data processing in and out of an LSP program. In this article, we present these features with small examples. We recommend looking at the language…

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Tutorial Modeling and Solving the Aircraft Landing Problem
Tutorial Airline Workforce Scheduling

Modeling and Solving the Aircraft Landing Problem January 18, 2021

LocalSolver is the solver of choice to tackle large-scale scheduling problems. As an example, we show here how the Aircraft Landing Problem can be easily modeled and efficiently solved using LocalSolver Optimizer. This problem is described in the article “Scheduling aircraft landings – the static case” by J. E. Beasley, M. Krishnamoorthy, Y. M. Sharaiha, and…

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