ECCO 2025 Marrakech

ECCO 2025

Hexaly is delighted to sponsor the ECCO 2025, the XXXVIII conference of the European Chapter on Combinatorial Optimization. The event will occur from May 8 to 10, 2025, in Marrakech, Morocco. The ECCO 2025 conference program can be accessed here.

Come by the Hexaly booth in ECCO 2025 to meet our optimization scientists and discover the new release Hexaly 13.5 and its dramatic performance improvements for solving Routing, Scheduling, Packing, and many other problems in Supply Chain and Workforce Optimization. This is also the opportunity to explore and discuss our numerous job offers. Discover the secret behind Hexaly by attending the presentation by Julien Darlay, Founder & Head of Science at Hexaly. Below is the abstract of his talk at ECCO 2025:

Hexaly, a new kind of global optimization solver

Hexaly is a new kind of global optimization solver. Its modeling interface is nonlinear and set-oriented. In a sense, Hexaly APIs unify modeling concepts from mixed-linear programming, nonlinear programming, and constraint programming. Under the hood, Hexaly combines various exact and heuristic optimization methods: branch-and-bound, automatic Dantzig-Wolfe reformulation, column and row generation, propagation methods, local search, direct search, and surrogate modeling techniques. 

Regarding performance benchmarks, Hexaly distinguishes itself against the leading solvers in the market, like Gurobi, IBM Cplex, and Google OR Tools, by delivering fast and scalable solutions to Routing, Scheduling, Packing, Clustering, and Location problems.

This talk will introduce our set-based modeling formalism and show its scalability for large instances. We will then explore how the solver can use this formalism to automatically use state-of-the-art resolution techniques from the exact and heuristic fields.

We look forward to connecting with the operations research community at ECCO 2025 in Marrakech.

Discover the ease of use and performance of Hexaly through a free 1-month trial.